Season of the Great Emperor

Welcome to Mid-Month ENERGY of Tarot and story shares! Spring in New York City is finally here! You know what gives me a cue Spring has arrived, the sounds of the city birds chirping and roaring motorcycles passing through my neighborhood. The laughs of my neighbors and the kids coming out of school. These are the sounds that allow me to be present in the grandiose city that “never” sleeps. I present you in this piece of writing the Great Emperor. The energy of the Great Emperor is the tarot key IV corresponding to the zodiacal sign Aries. Aries season initiates the beginning of Spring. It illuminates what we have cultivated throughout the year with its single spark, making it the Season of the Great Emperor. Allowing us to tap into our new beginnings and expansion. 

I immediately get strong abuelito and abuelita vibration when I pull the Emperor. This potent energy of abuelito/a has boundaries because they know how sh!t works (the ins and outs). They teach us how to push the start button (reminds me of those big red pushbuttons) how to expand from the inside out. The Great Abuelitx exists in the fourth sphere of the Tree of Life: Chesed, where manifestation and expansion (Jupiterian energy) co-create to give us the lessons of our ancestors. To make anew the path that we feel so deep within ourselves to begin and continue until we become the Great Emperors in our legacy. 

Begin to use these energies in your life as a push of encouragement

Here are a few suggestions to work with the energy throughout the season of the great Emperor: 

Color: Red | Visualize this color to initiate conversations, to dream, begin new projects

Animal: Ram | Accept guidance from higher authorities and elders

Tarot Key IV: The Emperor | Place on an altar, desk, or somewhere visible

Stone: Red Mountain Jade - Chinese stone used to stand as a warrior letting go of fear and doubt. The energy of fire is very prominent in this stone. I would suggest working with the stone in small increments until getting used to it. I have a bracelet, and oh boy, I get super fired up

Music: Balance the fire within you with binaural Theta or delta waves ***Make sure not to drive or operate machinery; you will enter different levels of deep relaxation***

Happy Healing all! 

Photo by @queengidrea (Instagram)


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