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Shayla M. Rose Shayla M. Rose

Rose of Jericho: At the Hearth of 231st  

I felt In my bones,,,a calling to finally share my story with Rose of Jericho and how I personally magic with it. Especially as the Sun is at the last degrees of Capricorn shifting into a new season. My story begins during my teen years as I traveled from Brooklyn to 231 st in the Bronx. Visiting my beloved sister Enid, a Capricornian at heart. As usual upon my arrival to her lively apartment with music blaring from windows or the sound of the FDNY in the kitty corner making its heroic escape to save the day with its siren, I would go straight to the kitchen with my mother. The pot on the stove sizzling with ingredients to make Papa Rellenas (stuffed potato). Steam rising from the crack she’d made in the middle of the potato and ground beef.  

Papas Rellenas

On the side, stood a white table small enough for two guests and on the corner a glass bowl half full with a Rosa de Jerico submerged under water. On top of the green leafy plant stood a statue of the Virgin Mary, oxidized coins and dollar bills with a rosary as an accessory. A live altar in the very hearth of the small kitchen on 231st.

Years later while in meditation -of course an adult by then- I received a vision. The vision re-introduced me to the Rose of Jericho, which laid dormant in my memory. I didn't know why this plant was coming but a snippet of my sister's mini Rose de Jericho came to mind. Immediately I got an influx of all the tools I needed to make an abundance + money bowl. The same bowl my sister had in her kitchen as we ate Papas Rellenas con mami. 

Before I share how- I magic with Rosa de Jericho, I would like to first introduce or reintroduce this beautiful botanical to you. You’re not here by coincidence, you might've already had your own story to pull out of the cabinets in your memory. What’s Rose of Jericho? The botanical is divided by two different species of plants unrelated to one another. The ‘real’ Rose de Jericho has the ability to survive desiccation, the process of drying out. Its scientific name is Anastatica hierochuntica. So it dries out, forming a ball. When moisture gets into the plant it opens up exposing its stems. It’s brown/ greenish in color.  It can survive for many years.

Rose of Jericho (Closed and open)

From the feel and look of the plant its adaptable to dry areas as well as more moist areas. It’s a bit rough in the ways it feels. From the characteristics of the plant, my metaphysical understanding is as follows: The plant dries up, closing up while moisture causes the plant to open is symbolic of a hand opening and closing. This vibration of giving and receiving of abundance the universe has prepared to provide to each one of us. Furthermore, the hand symbolizes the support we can receive and give to others. Through those acts of intentions for the higher good and genuine support we can be blessed by the universe. 

This very symbol takes me to the next point of how-I personally magic with the Rose of Jericho. Personally, I work with the Rose as an abundance and money bowl. For everyone it may look different. But the most important thing is to have a clear intention. What is the purpose in which you’re working with this beautiful botanical? Once the intention is clear, gather all of the tools - again this may look different for everyone : Go personally to a herbal shop and intuitively pick the Rose of Jericho. Feel through it, at this point you’re building a relationship with your new Rose. Grab a glass bowl from your collection at home or visit your local store for  bowls - no plastics. Grab a few coins such as pennies, dimes or dollars - try not to leave the dollar submerged in the water for more than 24 hours as it will become paper thin. From experience, I made the mistake of leaving it in the bowl for way too long. I thought it would be a great idea to leave the bills drying on my window sill. Guess what? The bills are permanently stuck there like stickers. Anyways the lesson here is to take it out as soon as you can remember. The magic will still remain as effective. 

Now you have gathered the basics: Rose of Jericho, glass bowl, coins and dollars. The magic begins. Now, remember the intention you set for working with Jericho? Infuse your intention into the botanical by allowing yourself to focus and meditate. When you’re ready, make sure to fill the bowl with tap water - no need for bottled water- fill halfway or less the glass bowl. Add the coins and dollars. Finally, put the Rose of Jericho over all that goodness - by this time you’ll notice the plant is a tight fist. Give it some time so the balled fist opens up. In three days look around for any synchronicities of the intention you’ve set out into the universe and see all the greatness that can come in. After those days you may use the water as body or floor wash or make it as creative as you want it to be. Have fun.

May all your desires be made manifest. May this guide bring you light to act out of love  oneself, and others. The universal law of love, abundance and your story within it. 

Do you need guidance or have questions? Feel free to reach out to Shayla.

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