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Shayla M. Rose Shayla M. Rose

Virgo | The Divine Feminine

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog topic ~ Virgo Season | Body, Divine Feminine + Yod!

We're a few weeks into the beautiful Virgo Season. It's getting a little chilly here in New York City and a bit darker, but I enjoy it because it's given me time to rest and re-align. Before diving into the connections, I want to discuss in the blog; I'll like to share a few details: Virgo is the 6th zodiac sign and lives between Leo's fires and Libra's sweet-scented air. I imagine Virgo using the fire of Leo to create and Libra's air to incubate ideas and knowledge. The season runs from August 23rd-September 22nd. Aries-Virgo marks the 1st half of life, baby, childhood, and adolescence. In contrast, Libra- Pisces marks adulthood and old souls.

In the Tarot, Virgo corresponds to Key IX, the Hermit. It's the overarching archetype of the seer. An old-bearded seer is holding a lamp illuminating the path for those who follow behind them.

In Astrology, Virgo is mutable-earth (moveable Earth) and relates to the 6th house of the body, health, service, and work. Mercury, the personal planet of commerce, communication, and ideas, is Virgo's ancient ruler.

In Greek Mythology, Virgo is Persephone, the daughter of the Earth goddess Demeter. She’s symbolic of the virgin, soon to be abducted by Hades (God of the Underworld). Hades takes her to the underworld. The story is that Perspheny remains 6 months out of the year in the underworld. During Spring, she rises to Earth for the next 6 months until it’s her time to go back. From my perspective, Persephone loses a part of her Divine Feminine when she’s abducted, but she reclaims it when she’s above ground.

Divine Feminine in Virgo Season

In my analysis, Virgo is a connection of purity, body + mind, and changes on Earth. Of course, this came through as I wrote a community newsletter. In the process, I felt a connection between Virgo and the Divine Feminine. When we take the time to connect to the body, however that looks, we find the feminine divine with us. Remembering the divine fem is available to everyone. Everly is changing us as needed, similarly to Earth's constant changing season.

The first step is to be conscious of the physical body by showing signs of care, love, and kindness. Then, the body becomes a vehicle that takes us to a place where we can connect to the old-bearded seer—illuminating our divine self and making adjustments to improve the situations in our life for the better. Secondly, we can connect to the divine by listening to Earth's natural rhythms and sounds, and lastly, dance and work with the pelvic space to upstart our relationship with the divine.

Yod: The little with so much

Yod, or Yud, is a letter in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet. The Aleph-Bet has 22 letters; in Kabbalah, each letter corresponds to a Major Arcana (Archetype) in the Tarot. The Hermit corresponds to Yod, which has a gematria of 10 (value 10). 10 the beginnings and endings. We start at square 1 or end the cycle. Ten is also related to the 10 spheres on the Tree of Life. Beautifully, Yod is the hand of God or the divine. An open hand to the human being.

In the Secrets of the Hebrew Letters, Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman mentions that Yud is the beginning of creation - the Big Bang Theory. We grow to become something from that tiny atom. Similarly, the Yud is the little with so much. It's the flame that burns over the candle and in the lamp of the Hermit. Illuminating all within us is essential and gives us the vitality to live. Each of us has so much potential that we cannot see. It’s the little within us that so much! The limitless potential we have to make Earth better. The Divine Feminine is one of those illuminations within us.

This oracle message is for you:

I love every inch of my body. I love the women [people] in my life fiercely -Meggan Watterson

Key IX: The Hermit

May you find your divine and limitless potential this Virgo-Licious season!

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog post!

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The Great Mysteries | Stone Reference by Shayla M. Rose

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence Blog ! I am honored to share The Great Mysteries Stone Reference. One of many tools I love are stones because of their beautiful and unique energy. As a practitioner, I incorporate stones for holistic healings. For months, I’ve saved the reference. Recently, I felt a need to release the reference from my filing cabinet into the mystical world as an aid for amplification, health, and wellness. Furthermore, I researched the stones to ensure they are suitable for people’s astrological placements and practical use.

Stones were intuitively selected for the zodiac signs. Planetary correspondences are based on the Navratna (9 gemstones). The 8th gemstones Hessonite Garnet correspond to Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node aka North Node in Western Astrology). The 9th gemstone is Cat’s Eye corresponds to Ketu (Descending Lunar Node) aka South Node.

May The Great Mysteries Stone Reference serve you well. I share gratitude for my teachers-their teachers and guides.

*If you’re working with the Great Mysteries Reference, please give credit where it’s due. Thank you!

Research + Credits:

The Healing Power of Gemstones: In Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology -Harish Johari

Tarot 100

Do you want to learn Tarot and dive deeper into the mysteries? Tarot 100: The 78 Cards + Symbolism (online course) is now open! Our start date is August 7th. For the next 9-10 weeks we will learn the basics but also dive into the deeper meanings and symbols of the Tarot. Learn more about the course and register by tapping on the button below.

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