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Venus Rx Horoscope | For the 12 Signs July 22nd-Sept. 3rd

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog. I’m excited to share with you the Venus Rx in Leo Horoscopes with heart centered stones recommednations.

What does Venus Rx even mean? Anytime a planet goes retrograde it slows down. It doesn’t actually go backwards in the sky rather is goes in a different position than its counterpart. How does that affect us on planet earth? It ask of us to also slow down. Looking within our dynamics of love, money and relations with this Rx in Venus. There may be feelings of lack or questioning the what “if” in themes of love. Giving us space to reflect and learn new lessons along the way. After the Venus Rx is set and done then we can apply what we’ve learned during those six weeks to our dynamics moving forward. If there are any challenges to your natal Venus my suggestions is to breathe through it. Everything will be okay. Remember all is for growth. I’ve also included crystal recommednations to help you center the heart during this season. You’re welcome to read the insight below for your Sun + Rising sign.


Love hasn’t been easy, but that shall not deter you from finding sincere love. You’ve learned many lessons that prepare you for this season. Think about one way you can begin to approach potential love connections in a brand new way! Most importantly place no expectations, let it flow and have fun with it.  

Crystal: Colbato Calcite aka the Aphrodite stone. A great stone to encourage forgiveness that comes from the heart. Forgive your past to move towards the NOW


Let go of the hand. The hand of the wounded inner child. As you slowly let go of the hand familial trauma is surrendered. More clarity to speak on how to  build a new connection with your loved ones. Bring sprinkles of love to your land by reorganizing to attract beauty within the home and also within the self. 

Crystal: Watermelon Tourmaline. Its metaphysical properties awakens the higher heart which lives above the heart (considered the seat of the soul). Brings in the energy of joy in times of challenge or where it’s difficult to see happiness.


Connect with friends but on a deeper level. So deep that it will illuminate some healing not only for you but your whole tribe. Know that you are worth in all the friends groups you’ve become part of because there is no one like you!  Connect with people who accept all of you, even that sparkly flair. 

Crystal: Amazonite. The blue hue radiating from the crystal is a reminder of the ocean. Connecting truth, communication and harmony both within and among people. Bringing in harmony to areas where there’s fear of communicating when there is conflict or inability to express one’s thoughts


Thinking about changing homes? Now is the time to make the plans, attempt not to make a decision right away. Slow it down a bit. Reconnect to the appreciation of your home and what visions there are for the new one. What do you value the most, comfort or luxury? City living or lush suburbs. Or, make it unconventional like riding away on an RV? Think and then take action. 

Crystal: Moonstone. Connecting the harmony of your deep emotions. Allow calm to flow through


Self love is in the air. Accepting all parts of the self and exposing it out to the world. Navigate ways to be seen more publically. What you have to offer to the world is special and from a place of understanding of you really are. You’re the trendsetter. Remember to work from the heart.

Crystal: Fuschite. The softness of this stones is a reminder to soften the center of your chest today. Breathe in the energy


Discover the powerful feminine within. Do you know your ancestral story? By understanding the story you have the key into ways to love and the magical gifts passed down to you. Take some time to meditate and do some deep soul work. Allow this time to feel like a blanket of love surrounding you. 

Crystal: Ajo Quartz.  If possible learn about  or work with this crystal for sweetness, dispel melancholy and connect to Goddess energy. *This stone is rare and the price point is high. I recommend imagining a piece of ajo quartz before you. Bring in and out until you feel ready to connect to the stones' energy. Now close your eyes. Feel the energy from the crystal. How does it feel? How does it make you feel? What is coming up for you? 


Make time to take some solo dates and time alone. You’ve given a lot of energy to many. Now it is self care and me time. Also, take this time to approach social media with purpose.. What is misaligned or aligned for you at this moment? 

Crystal: Morganite. Unlock the heart to allow unconditional love to enter your life


Need a hand with your business endeavor? Encounter multiple people who are willing and ready to get on the same bus with you. But before making a decision on who to choose reevaluate if the mission you have encompasses acts of love for the human experience.Are the people you want in your team also aligned?  Is your mission aligned to the macro level? 

Crystal: Garnet. Balance power and the heart chakra together to create a check point from where to build an foundation in all you bring to the world


Put into practice what you’ve learned in the past months. There’s a blurry line between theory and practical that you’ll need to decipher. Looking back at what you’ve learned, what does your heart tell you to practice more? Remember you’ve invested a ton of money as well as worked hard. Now practice! Practice makes perfect

Crystal: Pink Tourmaline. Soothes the mind for all that was learned. Helps us to refocus on what is important at the moment


Understanding your love language. Think of a time when someone made you feel safe so you were able to connect intimately. It could be a love interest, partner, or friend. Learning your love language and intimacy style is for you. I suggest reading love language books or watching movies that show the depths of love.

Crystal: Flower Agate connects the heart + root chakra. I feel this may help in opening us up to mother energy. Opening our roads to connect with the mother within. You are the flower my dear!


Getting the bag honey! Your heart glistens to the thought of filling a dream. Despite feeling there’s not enough money to upstart or continue your dream. Instead of giving up, pave your own way. Collaborate with others, your words are always heard and your skills are persuasion are beautiful. Let that one person who roots for you to be your second hand person in this big dream that sits at the center of your heart.

Crystal: Blue Opal is good for emotional healing. The crystal is rather expensive, I suggest search it on Google images images. Feel free to mediate with it in that way

Let feelings of unease with people whom you work with. Let these feelings to be dismantled. Look at the brighter side of the coin to move forward from what is not sitting right with you in your work environment. You become the scales- balance in this situation. It’s time to show-and-tell your best harmonious self to the world by the diplomatic voice that lives within. Spruce up your space to shake off stagnation.

Crystal: Larimar. Giving mermaid vibes here! The crystal is rare and the price point is high. It helps connect to heart healing and love energy

May the guidance provide you with light and peace! The information above is for educational purposes only. The crystals do not correspond to the Zodiac signs but rather were selected intuitively.If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, healing session or have a question about the crystals, please feel free to book and contact me. I am more than happy to guide you.

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