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The Journey to Truth With Black Kyanite

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog The Journey to Truth With Black Kyanite.

On a summer morning, I find myself intuitively being guided to a farmers market. At the entrance of the market a table of stones calls me over. It was a lonely table covered with some of the most beautiful rocks I’ve seen in a while. A man with short dark hair approaches to assist me. But it wasn’t necessary because my eyes had landed on a Black Kyanite pendent. With its flaky edges and dark/grey tones I wasn’t sure if it’ll be too delicate to wear. The man assured me it would be fine. If it falls there a possibility of breaking but otherwise it should be fine. “It’s a powerful stone,” says the man. I don’t think much about it until my journey with it…

What is Black Kyanite?

Black Kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness quality. Black Kyanite is associated with the third eye and heart chakra. Some of the metaphysical properties associated with the stone is it works as an inner bridge, psychic abilities, earth connection, past life, and empathy. Other kinds of kyanite includes: blue, indigo, and even orange.The orange kyanite is believed to unblock the 2nd chakra (sacral) and bring in creativity. Green kyanite is believed to bring in a deeper connection with earth. Indigo Kyanite is believed to aid in astral travel.

The Changing Power

My experience with Black Kyanite was unprecendented. Immediately upon wearing the pendant I a felt grounded. Its protective energy encapsulate my very being. Throughout the weeks as I wore the Kyanite many realizations unfolded before my eyes. There were areas in my life- at that moment- I needed to come face to face with. Black Kyanite helped open the doorway to exploring my inner truth, humility and self preservation with sprinkles of love. I faced challenging traumas , and revelations of my parents traumas. Ultimately leading me to path of realization where my truth could be a vessel for love. Where I can come to terms with unraveling from issues that have been placed on me as a responsibility. That I no longer needed to take on but rather that I can release. The journey with Kyanite was one of inner growth. I couldn’t be more apperciative like I am today.

Oh baby! Dreams

Even my dreams were so different. I experienced vivid dreams that became symbols to resolve the truths that I walked upon in my waking life. These symbols were not all pretty in pink. Somewhere were more explicitly pointing to polish myself up and learn sovereignty. What’s inside of us is a reflection of our outer world.

Dreams can be aids to help us resolve issues in our world of course if we choose to do so. Only we have the capacity to decide the readiness to change. When we are ready then the change happens. Sometimes there are times we are not, that’s okay.

Could Kyanite be Moldavite’s Sister?

From experience with both the power of Black Kyanite and moldavite, yes both can be sisters. I feel the pair could assist in healing, trauma healing, inner growth and transformation. In addition, adding a third stone like clear quartz (a master healer) could help to add a splash of clarity in our healing and inner growth.


  • What is my truth? How am I nuturing those parts of myself?

  • What healing have I seen? What part of myself makes me proud?


“I allow my heart to open to healing. I am greatness. I am whole.”

If there are any questions or you would like to book a healing session, please feel free to book and contact us. I am more than happy to guide you.

Thank you for reading!

*Disclaimer: The stones mentioned above and its metaphysical properties do not replace counseling, therapy or medical advice. I do not guarantee the same experience nor an experience at all as everyone is different. These are personal experiences for educational purposes only.

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Shayla M. Rose Shayla M. Rose

Intuition: Unveil the Big I

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog topic ~ Intuition: Unveil the Big I. Intuition is beautiful, but the understanding of intuition can be quite mystical and fuzzy to a beginner or a bae going through their spiritual awakening. As a professional tarot reader, offering psychic readings in the community, street, vendor markets, and metaphysical shops, I have found that 20% of clients ask questions about intuition. Questions such as "How do you connect?" "How can I improve my intuition?" "I want to work with a deity; how can I start?" "These questions are multifaceted and abundant. Therefore, in today's blog, I define intuition, my story, and a few practical ways to start on the journey to unveil intuition for yourself. 

The Big "I" 

The word intuition, aside from its spiritual context, needs sustenance. So about three years ago, while I was upstarting a podcast episode on the Big "I," it led me into a rabbit hole of different ways to define intuition, which I share below. To be honest, they make sense. However, I felt there was more to these plain sentences. 

a.) "Known as an apprehension or cognition of knowledge without the direct involvement of the known physical senses; it may be described as knowing something without knowing how one knows" (Erickson, 2011). 

b.) "Knowledge from an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts." (Cambridge Dictionary)

c.) "The ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning" (Oxford Languages)

d.) "Denoting spiritual insight or immediate spiritual connection" (Oxford Languages) Late Middle English ( a combination of Latin, late Latin, and English) 

After reading this list, I got the gist of intuition and the focus on 'feelings,' but I needed to stir the pot a little more.


—Reading break—Create your definition of intuition. 

Okay back! The A HA! Moment 

So I proceeded to take off my oversize glasses from my sweaty cheeks. I pondered as my pen made it to my green velvet table until...I remembered an oldie in my book collection titled “Psychic Phenomena.” Slate (1988) studied psychic phenomena through extra sensory perception (ESP) - telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. A ha! These concepts made sense to me based on my experience with intuition. Intuition doesn't exist in a vacuum; instead, it's enriched by these concepts and our receptivity to intuit. The biggest takeaway from the book is intuition is buildable and practical. Intuition doesn't come out of thin air; there are ways to practice and strengthen our Big I. 

Additionally, I find the connection to the solar plexus (Manipura) meaningful. The solar plexus is the 3rd primary chakra in Eastern teachings. The solar plexus sits right below the breast area- the pit of the stomach. This sweet spot is referred to as the celiac plexus in human anatomy. The CP is full of nerves connected to the sympathetic nervous system- our "fight" or "flight" responses and to essential organs such as the liver, stomach, kidneys, and adrenal glands (which sit on top of the kidney and release hormones). Your connection to the solar plexus is essential in familiarizing yourself with the Big I.   

Big I and I 

I want to clarify that everyone, even you, can tap into intuition. It’s essential to be flexible, willing, and open to practicing intuition. From a little girl visiting Espiritistas in Puerto Rico to having an auntie who read the cards and a mother who allowed me to pick my spiritual path, I was exposed to the intuit I was to become in my adult life. Nevertheless, intuition wasn’t always a comfort zone for me- sometimes I felt afraid of ‘it”. As I got older, I let go of the fear and, thus, decided to consistently practice my Big I. My goal was -and still is- to connect deeper with my inner compass, where my intuition stems from, and allow external senses of clairvoyance and precognitions through dreams to flourish. I connect to my Big I through my body (11 min morning stretches & 23 mins of Full Body strength workouts on the Nike Training Club App), mediating, going inward, and trusting my abilities. Feeling, hearing, and seeing all simultaneously is my Big I. Below I share a quick guide to intuition based on my practice. Take what resonates and leave behind what doesn't for a later time. 

Quick- Guide by Shayla 

Morning or Before bed or whenever the fuck you feel like doing it! 

  1. Do a clearing and protection ritual for your physical space 

  2. Declare a sacred space by setting an intention 

  3.  I put on solfeggio or brainwave frequencies to calm + activate my brain  

  4. If you like, have a journal and something to write nearby

  5. Take a nice deep, cleansing breath 

  6. When you feel ready, close your eyes 

  7. Imagine your third eye or the space in between your eyebrows going inward 

  8. Bring awareness to your solar plexus - pit of your stomach 

  9. When ready

  10. Begin to build your inner space with ease- how do you want the inside of your body to look like and feel - if this is a challenge, know you can change and adjust the things within 

  11. Notice any colors, sensations, sounds, or scent 

  12. When you feel ready, wiggle your toes and fingers and come back to your physical space 

  13. Journal away

  14. Practice daily 

*Deck: The Field Tarot by Hannah E. Fofana

I wrote this piece on intuition over 2+ years ago: 

It was 4 am when I wrote this piece. At that time, I was visiting my father in Florida. That night for some reason, I felt so inspired and woke asf - the same feeling I have right now. In the writing process, I channeled the message: Talk with Intuition [Original writingThe message that came through me this morning was "Talk with intuition." I wasn't sure what that meant, so I dug a little deeper….] That morning I happened to pull the Page of Cups. The Page of Cups is a court card - it's the inner child with no ego, no identity, and no fear of the unknown. They are true dreamers. Not afraid of judgment. Not shun away from using their imagination. They listen carefully to the inner voice without limits. 

[Original writing cont'd] 

… .there's a need for a profound relationship with our intuition that is honored, acknowledged and nourished. When intuition is nurtured, we are more likely to feel deeply connected to the self. Meanwhile, remembering we have lived experiences, struggles, and solutions that become our inner knowing. 

If you have a tarot deck available, take a closer look at the image on that card. I am currently using the Waite-Smith deck. What stood out when I received "talk with intuition" was the small fish in the cup. This card is associated with play and inner child but looking to understand the card outside the traditional associations. The fish is symbolic of how intuition works. Even the person's posture in the image indicates some conversation happening- they are talking to their intuition. From the picture, I feel a relationship happening or maybe a flow of the subconscious that nourishes, acknowledges (whatever needs awareness), and honors (give intuition, which is your inner knowing a "Thank you").  

When the fish spirit animal appears, "it brings a message of hope, and it empowers you to make the right decisions. The fish also brings the power of the water depths" (Clifford, 2021). Connection to the fish's spirit as a guide can lead to feeling through decisions and flow like the element of water. 

My wisdom to you, beautiful spiritual bae, is to call upon your intuition like the Page with the little fish in the cup.

This is my little "secret" to my Big I. May this blog post assist in your spiritual journey to unveil your Big I. Thank you fr reading. If you have additional questions or want private 1:1 lesson(s) on intuition, please feel free to contact me


Cambridge Dictionary 

Intuition, Telepathy, and Interspecies Communication

Oxford Languages 

Slate, Joe H. Psychic Phenomena: New Principles, Techniques, and Applications. McFarland, 1988.

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