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Shayla M. Rose Shayla M. Rose

Are you experiencing a spiritual Awakening?

Are you Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening? Hear me out...

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence Blog with Shayla! It's a sunny October afternoon here in New York City. Today, I want to share my perspective and guide you through the transformative process of spiritual awakening.

According to a close friend of mine, a spiritual awakening is waking from society's norms by becoming more conscious and aware. Other definitions include a call to awaken to higher consciousness and an opening of our mental processes. Some may say it's when our third eye, the space between our eyebrows, opens to higher consciousness. Scientifically, the pineal gland, aka The 3rd eye, in the brain's center, plays a part in the awakening. In other cultural-spiritual practices, we are opening the 3rd eye in awakenings. Terms to describe an awakening include enlightenment, bliss, higher consciousness, and woke, to name a few.

After much reflection and listening to folks describe spiritual awakening, here's my intake. Before doing so, I would like to share my story of one of my awakenings. Spirituality has always lived in my bones since childhood. My mother allowed me to experiment with spirituality, never imposing any on me. As I grew, I involved myself with different spiritual communities, including a special place called VineyardOneNYC—a diverse group of spiritual friends in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. In retrospect, I am grateful for the love this group held for each other. An inspiration I keep with me.

But the most significant spiritual awakening I've had thus far was one of the most challenging. 2017 was the most brutal year. One year, that broke my heart into many pieces. Nataly and Enid from the Bronx both crossed over that year. Mother and daughter, niece and sister, both gone that year. My sister passed from terminal cancer, and my niece crossed over from a drug overdose. At the time, I was working long hours at a hospital, trying to pay visits to my ill sister. I remember her sweet face every time I visited, as if we re-met each other every time. So much love! My family members passing; this very moment awakened me in so many ways unimaginable. It wasn't the prettiest awakening. There was grief and pain involved, a rollercoaster. But I came out of the other side awakened asf. Today marks six years since my sister and niece transitioned to the spirit world. So my heart fills up just by sharing this with you.

But what really is it…

A spiritual awakening is like waking up to our shadow, authentic self and learning to navigate it. Then, as time passes, so does clarity about who we truly are.

The process isn’t linear and may feel more like being on a roller coaster. We go through an up-and-down motion to awaken to the true essence.

Connection to the inner world is the container that holds our spirituality. It's important to remember everyone is different. Therefore, our paths are unique.

Someone's spiritual awakening may look different than others. Leave comparison of whose more woke to the curb. Spiritual awakenings are not the id, ego, or superego.

There's no need to rush to get more spiritual or start a spiritual practice. Allow the winds of spirit to carry you in that direction. Take small steps before taking the BIG leap. Be patient!

I've noticed once people's awareness awakens, they immediately want to run to figure out what spiritual group they belong to. It's okay to explore different spiritual practices and not know which one is best. Research and ask for guidance.

It's best to take your time to figure the self out first before anything else. Practicing patience makes it perfect. Attempt to reduce anxiety about what is next in the spiritual journey.

Lastly, spirituality lives within our hearts, and connecting to it uniquely makes our spiritual awakening fascinating. It may not all look colorful like a rainbow, but parts are beautiful as the warm, Fall sun glistening into my room window this evening.

May the guidance provide you with light. The information above is for educational purposes only. If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, Tarot reading or healing session, please book and/or contact me. I am more than happy to guide you.

Did you enjoy the blog? Feel free to Buy Me Coffee > Venmo: @shayla-mrose. Thank you for the support

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New Moon in Cancer Horoscope | For the 12 Signs

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog. I’m excited to share with you the New Moon in Cancer Horoscope with oracle!

What is a New Moon? A new moon astrologically speaking is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together in the same sign. Also, a new moon is the first moon phase out of 8 phases. Think of a new moon as the sun rising. Symbolic of new beginning, new cycles of emotions/ events. For the upcoming new moon both the Sun and Moon are in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign. Cardinal sign, meaning it a sign that starts off the landscape of emotions. Cancer, the archetype of nurturer, exemplify to the rest of the zodiac how to be emotionally open + vulnerable. They also upstart our emotions ! Feel free to read your Sun and rising sign tarotscope below for guidance.


Prepare for a new commitment with all things related to the self. You’re encouraged to follow your gut feelings. What hasn’t been said to your family or loved ones? This is time. Meanwhile your path is being cleared with a machete. Paving for renewed cycle. Oracle: There is hope. Don’t give up. Have faith Trust. The forces of love are at work behind the scenes. Expect a joyous and positive outcome 


Say what needs to be said, There’s been some hindrance in self expression so to move forward work with the waters of Cancer to help your vocal cords to flow. Write out, speak out loud to the universe. Oracle: Someone from the past re-emerges in your life. This gives you the opportunity to handle things differently than you did before. Stand firmly in your power, yet stand also in the light of love. The Universe is presenting you with a fresh opportunity to clear away


There’s a great space to connect with the teacher within you. Enjoy reading spiritual and non-spiritual books of your choosing as this will bring in balance, Find comfort with your inner world and self worth. Know you’re on the right path. Oracle: Embracing both masculine and feminine aspects of the self creates wholeness. 


You’ve nurtured many! Begin to slowly recognize how to best nurture the self and who you are. Avoid hiding too much inside of the crab shell. Because it is time to shine. Give yourself a hug and kiss as you look into the mirror! Oracle: Your vibration is being raised to a higher level reaching a clearer connection to spirit ad revealing the greater purpose of your life 


Where are you choosing to grow spiritually? It feels as if someone will come from behind closed doors to help move closer to the spiritual realm. It's an instant connection with this individual. Oracle: The spirit of the ocean calls you, offering healing and much-needed peace. Come to the water and connect with its endless flow of magic


Start learning in community such as taking a group or joining a virtual class. New friends may develop from those groups. Be spontaneous at this time! Oracle: Live in the moment. Let go of the past. There is no point worrying about the future. A wonderful opportunity exists for you today. Embrace it


Are you thinking about how to expand your business plans? This is your chance to do so. Join a social network to receive beautiful ideas on how to make that happen. Think, plan and then act. . This new shift has been on your mind for sometime. No more waiting. Launch it out into the world. Oracle guidance: Blessings! You are being showered with light. Your Creativity is being stirred, activated, set alight! An endless stream of rainbow color stems from your heart 


Take some time to travel. A trip could do you well and get you back in top shape. Allow this opportunity to surrender and feel recharged. Once surrender happens there is a wave of great energy coming through. All the possibilities are open but take some time.  Oracle guidance:: A time of necessary upheaval- a blessing in disguise. As the dust settles, the gift reveals itself 


Windows of resources are open to you even when it doesn’t feel like it. New doors, new opportunities to take on a new learning adventure. Invest the time. You’re in full Power Puff Girls mode Oracle guidance: Do not lose sight of your original intention. Check inside your heart to see if the path you are traveling fits in with your original hopes and aspirations. If not, take action, take control and steer your life back on course. 


Connect to your most spiritual self to receive and most authentic self. A new formation of relationships is on the horizon. But first take a look at where you stand spiritually. This brand new connection will not end up in dissapointment. Oracle guidance: There are no obstacles. Follow your heart.  The path is safe , the way ahead, clear. Have faith! 


Put your most colorful sunglasses on to see life from a different perspective. Especially with matters of your home. Where in your home would you like to change up? Create a corner where you can make it your own meditation area. There’s a lot of renewal wanting to come in. Remember not to skip any routines you have right now surrounding your health. This meditation corner add coffee points towards your health. Oracle guidance: Follow your natural instincts. You are making the current issues more complicated than it needs to be. Trust in the universe. Allow your intuition to guide you. You are always safe 

It’s sunny outdoors my dear Pisces! What hasn’t been working creativity will soon bring in your true creative nature. Before that can happen, detach from the old and bring in the new. You’re on a journey of self healing that soon you'll be required to step out of. It’s been long, and too comfortable. Oracle guidance: Free will. Time to do what you really want to do. You will reach a high position through the creativity but remember others are there to help. You don’t have to reach heights solo dolo my dear pisces 

May the guidance provide you with light and peace! If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading and healing session, please feel free to book and contact us. I am more than happy to guide you.

Thank you for reading!

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The Journey to Truth With Black Kyanite

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog The Journey to Truth With Black Kyanite.

On a summer morning, I find myself intuitively being guided to a farmers market. At the entrance of the market a table of stones calls me over. It was a lonely table covered with some of the most beautiful rocks I’ve seen in a while. A man with short dark hair approaches to assist me. But it wasn’t necessary because my eyes had landed on a Black Kyanite pendent. With its flaky edges and dark/grey tones I wasn’t sure if it’ll be too delicate to wear. The man assured me it would be fine. If it falls there a possibility of breaking but otherwise it should be fine. “It’s a powerful stone,” says the man. I don’t think much about it until my journey with it…

What is Black Kyanite?

Black Kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness quality. Black Kyanite is associated with the third eye and heart chakra. Some of the metaphysical properties associated with the stone is it works as an inner bridge, psychic abilities, earth connection, past life, and empathy. Other kinds of kyanite includes: blue, indigo, and even orange.The orange kyanite is believed to unblock the 2nd chakra (sacral) and bring in creativity. Green kyanite is believed to bring in a deeper connection with earth. Indigo Kyanite is believed to aid in astral travel.

The Changing Power

My experience with Black Kyanite was unprecendented. Immediately upon wearing the pendant I a felt grounded. Its protective energy encapsulate my very being. Throughout the weeks as I wore the Kyanite many realizations unfolded before my eyes. There were areas in my life- at that moment- I needed to come face to face with. Black Kyanite helped open the doorway to exploring my inner truth, humility and self preservation with sprinkles of love. I faced challenging traumas , and revelations of my parents traumas. Ultimately leading me to path of realization where my truth could be a vessel for love. Where I can come to terms with unraveling from issues that have been placed on me as a responsibility. That I no longer needed to take on but rather that I can release. The journey with Kyanite was one of inner growth. I couldn’t be more apperciative like I am today.

Oh baby! Dreams

Even my dreams were so different. I experienced vivid dreams that became symbols to resolve the truths that I walked upon in my waking life. These symbols were not all pretty in pink. Somewhere were more explicitly pointing to polish myself up and learn sovereignty. What’s inside of us is a reflection of our outer world.

Dreams can be aids to help us resolve issues in our world of course if we choose to do so. Only we have the capacity to decide the readiness to change. When we are ready then the change happens. Sometimes there are times we are not, that’s okay.

Could Kyanite be Moldavite’s Sister?

From experience with both the power of Black Kyanite and moldavite, yes both can be sisters. I feel the pair could assist in healing, trauma healing, inner growth and transformation. In addition, adding a third stone like clear quartz (a master healer) could help to add a splash of clarity in our healing and inner growth.


  • What is my truth? How am I nuturing those parts of myself?

  • What healing have I seen? What part of myself makes me proud?


“I allow my heart to open to healing. I am greatness. I am whole.”

If there are any questions or you would like to book a healing session, please feel free to book and contact us. I am more than happy to guide you.

Thank you for reading!

*Disclaimer: The stones mentioned above and its metaphysical properties do not replace counseling, therapy or medical advice. I do not guarantee the same experience nor an experience at all as everyone is different. These are personal experiences for educational purposes only.

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