Look outside of Financial Gain & Interconnect with Earth

Stepping into a new earth plane with strength and gratitude. Collectively we are stepping into a new position on this Earth through effort that could feel scary because of old forms of routine. But take that leap in the vision of what you want to plant on this Earth. How do you envision the Earth you're standing on in 5 or 10 years? Collectively how do you envision this Earth? On an individual level, start to imagine what you desire. At times, we may not feel ready, but trust in what you are currently planting. However, it looks like to you. On a group level, we can start to make the changes by reevaluating ideologies surrounding productivity to make money rather than to plant goodness for Earth. It is essential to reframe how to live out our earthly purpose with grace rather than living as another cog in the wheel.

With the energy of the Warrior of Pentacles, we are coming to terms with planting for the future not only to make money but to contribute to this home we call Earth. Earth is our home and everything we plant flourishes in this plane. In relation to the Protea plant energy, using the sea change to go with the currents of our ocean. With the flow of nature to repair and sustain a beautiful future.

While writing this blog post, the bison's energy stuck out to me. The bison is a reminder to honor the ground we are on with gratitude. The bison's heavy composition keeps it grounded, creating space for gratitude and wisdom.

You are not a cog in the wheel. You are beautifully interconnected on this Earth. You are not the previous routines, but rather a refined version. You are not the conservative ideas of past generations; you are YOU, an individual on this Earth. We are a conscious collective. The Protea plant's spirit suggests allowing openness for new forms of working with mother earth.

May the graceful warrior's energy help transform mother earth through our collective efforts and working in equilibrium for a sea of change.

The energy: Warrior of Pentacle

Oracle: Protea plant- Sea Change

Inspired by the bison's spirit


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Collective Love