Manifestation Tarot Spread

Yesterday, June 24, 2021, the moon was fully illuminating us. How are you feeling from the full moon energy? Full moon phases are a good time to release while creating space for gratitude from all we cultivated. Similar to moon cycles, we as a collective, community, and individual experience different cycles. We evolve as our experiences teach us what needs to be made aware of and our desires. Manifesting is not different from the moon cycle- during the Full Moon, we can manifest by calling into our life our deepest desires.

Before continuing the discussion, I would like to define Manifestation (noun), “a sign of something existing or happening” (Cambridge Dictionary, accessed 2021). Manifest (verb), “to make evident by showing or displaying” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, accessed 2021). The term manifestation is coined as part of ‘new age’ spirituality that uses the law of attraction (Intentions/desire will become true if you know it’s already in existence)  to manifest. Manifestation isn’t just a ‘new age’ fad. There is brain science behind manifestation, for instance, our brains work like a magnet. In “The Psychology of Manifestation” Brogley (2020) dives into the science of manifestation. In an interview with Dr. Joe Vitale, he explains the following: 

“Basic psychology says you will get more of whatever you focus on in life –– your brain will look for things to make that focus come true. The part of the brain responsible for this explanation is your subconscious; more specifically, a network of neurons in the brainstem called the reticular activating system. The RAS is programmed for survival; it’s constantly looking around you for possible threats. What people don’t know is that you can program the RAS in your brain to attract something you want to have.” (Brogley, 2020). * Visualization is handy for manifestation. A vision populates in our brain (our desire), the idea comes through, we move into a brainstorming and plan phase. After that, we move into executing that vision, and that vision materializes on earth. Once the image is in our subconscious and we know we already have the desire, manifestation occurs! 

Another interesting cycle I’ve been fortunate to learn is The Witches Cycle of Manifestation by James Divine, a Master Palmist. Think of the cycle as gardening. First, you make sure the soil is good (positive thinking, know you already have the desire physically in front of you), proceed to plant a tiny seed (Thoughts, beliefs, ideas), that seed starts to sprout (words, statements, explanations), the leaves begin to grow (actions, behavior, intentional and unintentional). Followed by flowering (habits, routines, systems, and Fruit (results, outcomes, values). Similar to The Witches Cycle of Manifestation* is the same ways in which the Full Moon works its energy. During the full moon, you can create that space of release and expression of gratitude for all that came to fruition in cycles of manifestation. 

This leads me to the Manifestation Tarot Spread I created in 2020.

Set a time and space to relax. Have tarot cards available, a journal, and a pen nearby. Give your deck a good shuffle or if you prefer a digital version of the card- there are millions of apps.

Write down 1 desire. Visual that desire. Imagine yourself with your desire physically in front of you. Begin to pull the following cards. My intention for the spread is to help you unblock fears and limitations surrounding manifestations, which prevent us from obtaining desired outcomes. I suggest doing the spread every full moon or during night rituals. Allow the energy of the moon, and desire to lead you to the highest potential! Some good advice is to remember that all from the heart will come to fruition (keep this in mind while manifesting).

Card #1: What do I desire to manifest?

Card #2: What limitations and fears could I choose to let go of right now to manifest my greatest potential?

Card: #3: What will I receive from manifesting?

Card #4: How can I keep focus in the process?

Card #5: What came to fruition in the process of manifesting?

Reference and Resources


Manifest (Definition)

The Psychology Behind Manifestation (The science behind manifestation)

Reticular Activating System (Image of RAS)

Recommended Audio resource:

Magnetic Energy Magick Hypnosis Audio - Desiree Eckert

Need help with visualization?

I recommend the following binaural track by Chris Collins

Brainwave app- Brainwave 35 Binaural Programs


Career Path Tarot Spread


A Tarot Spread for Emotional & Energy Awareness