Mercury Retrograde in Virgo All Signs + Soulful Guidance

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog with Shayla. I’m excited to share the horoscopes for Mercury Rx in Virgo + SOULGuidance. This is a collective share. Take what resonates and what doesn’t set it aside. Know no matter the challenge or if there’s none, walk through it with grace.

A Gift. Eyal Eliezer


Expect to go off course with your daily routine. Try something different everyday, See how it feels. 

SOULGuidance: Take time to fine tune some of things in your to-do list or bucket list you’ve forgotten about. Now is the time to plan the revisit and when it’s time take the leap 


Mercury Rx: Embark on a journey to better understand romance in your life. If there’s a creative hobby you want to pursue, take the time to revisit it.

SOULGuidance: Reflective Questions 

  • How does romance show up in your life? 

  • Would you like to be more present with romance? Yes, why? No, why? 

  • Make a list of any creative hobbies you’ve been thinking about pursuing. Just write them all down without thinking about them logically. When you’re done, circle the ones that catch your attention.


Be mindful of leaks, flooding or technical issues at home. A wound dehiscence resurface issues within your family. Instead of fighting your way through. Lean back a bit. Rest and reset. Then tackle the issues head on. 

SOULGuidance: Keep/ start a dream journal. As dreams  become vivid during this time.Upon waking write all that you remember. It’s okay if you don’t recall the dream. It’ll come back later. 


Before running away with all kinds of ideas, process it first! Communication can get fussy for you my dear Cancer. When you feel overwhelmed and arguments erupt, take a deep breath. Try not to hide too much in your protective shell or take anyone's comments too seriously. Let negative comments roll down your back   

SOULGuidance: Stand with your arms wide open looking towards the East. If you’re not sure which direction is East use the compass on your phone. Stand with your back nice and straight. Take 3 deep breaths. On the last breath, close your eyes. Bring awareness to the bottom of your feet as you connect to Earth. Notice how the Universe supports you. When you’re ready, open your eyes. How do you feel? 


You may start to rethink that your worth is compromised. Mercury Rx cast a bit of shadow around any current misalignments regarding self worth and your finances to reshape how you can stand more as your true self. There’s no need to be harsh on yourself. What you’re learning during this season is beneficial for the long term commitment to your true essence. By the way, no one is competing with you. Only you can compete with yourself. 

SOULGuidance: If you’ve been doing shadow work. Continue the work. Keep a journal. Everyday make it a practice to write at least one word that resonates with you at the very time and moment you’re in. If you'd like to take it a step further, here are suggestive reflection questions to ask the lion/lioness within: 

  • What do I value the most right now? How does it benefit me? 

  • When I feel the most fierce ___________________(fill in the blank) 

  • What’s a part of myself that I’ve been denying? Why? 

  • How can I start to integrate this part of myself in my daily routine? 


Are you thinking of traveling during this time? Think about it! It may not be favorable because the plans you have in mind may not go according to your itinerary. There may be feeling that there are blockages and challenges.. Practice patience and be kind to yourself. Leave room for mistakes to happen. I know mistakes are not your cup of tea. Take one moment at a time. Remember to be good to yourself. 

SOULGuidance: Practice patience. You may be wondering how to do so. Patience requires some level of awareness. Throughout the next 3 weeks, bring awareness to your feelings, conversations and pay close attention especially in times when the environment around you feels chaotic. Tap into the word patience by slowing it the f* down 


It’s time to retreat my dear. It’s better to go with the flow than fight your way through this season. You’re asked to sit down with all of it, the good and the challenges. You may feel as your in an illusive space. Let yourself be grounded by connecting to earth around you. Leave space for ideas at work or in your mind to float in. 

SOULGuidance: If you have a spiritual practice, turn up the volume by spending more time connecting to the higher up and really diving into what needs to be cleaned out of your life. So renewal can enter. If you don't have a practice, create one that feels good to you and make it a consistent one even after the season is over. 


Sporadic changes to your tribe. Time to rethink your partnerships. Does it bring you peace, hope, tranquility? Or does it bring you the opposite? While old doors are closing off to people who are shedding from your life. Another brand new door opens to people who see the bigger picture of your vision. 

SOULGuidance: Reflection questions: 

  • To whom am I giving love to? 

  • Who am I caring for? 

  • Who in my closest tribe supports me? 

  • Where do I feel depleted? When I interact with ______ (name of person) I feel depleted because _______ (state your reasoning) 

  • Where do I feel energized? When I interact with _____________ (name of person) I feel energized because ____________ (state your reasoning)

  • Moving forward I set healthy boundaries with ___________. Describe how. 

Affirmation: Moving forward I open my heart to receive genuine care and love 


What hasn’t worked in your career doesn’t mean you’re failing. It means to replan so after this season you can begin to rebuild. There’s something in your career you’ll need to fine tune. Stay quiet about, replan and then present it out in the world after the retrograde

SOULGuidance:Go to your local library to loan  business-related books to help you restructure your career. Search online for inspiration. Or, create a mood board that reflect your career goals on apps like Pinterest or do it the old school way with paper, scissors and magazines


Your belief system comes into question during this season. What you think is right or wrong about what you believe is up for discussion. Remember beliefs stem from early childhood, skewed or not. Attempting to hold on tightly  to those beliefs is counter productive during this time. It’s best if you allow yourself to read, learn or listen to others' belief systems. 

SoulGuidance: Reflective questions 

  • What is my belief system? 

  • When/where did I acquire those beliefs? 

  • Are those beliefs beneficial to me? Are those beliefs limiting? 

  • How can I grow and develop in my own belief system? 

  • What would I like to integrate into my system that's supportive of who I am right now? 


Re-stacking your finances. Time to take care of some needed debts you may owe. Restructure how you've been managing your finances. You may become intrigued by the paranormal, spiritual side of things. 

SOULGuidance: Download an app or use excel sheets to take care of your finances.Make a fun scary movie list that you can enjoy on your favorite apps 

Discernment will be your friend as you begin to open the curtain to the intentions of the people closest to you. Try to do your best to work in equal terms. If equality doesn’t exist then this is a clue to leave those behind who aren’t willing to reciprocate.

SOULGuidance: Spend time learning how bring balance to relationships

Reflective questions: 

  • Who are the closest people to me? 

  • How does equality/reciprocity present itself in my relationship? Where it doesn’t? 

  • How can best work in balance in these relationships? 

May the guidance provide you with light. The information above is for educational purposes only. If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, Tarot reading or healing session, please book and/or contact me. I am more than happy to guide you.

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