New Moon 21° Virgo | Horoscope for the Signs

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog with Shayla. The New Moon in 21° Virgo beams its lunar rays on September 14, 2023, at 9:40 pm EDT. Today, I share a short story conquered as a reminder of the archetype that lives within Virgo—followed by the symbolism of the sign leading us into the horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs. 

The Goddess stands outside Jose Quezada's Bodega with freshly baked Italian bread from the Palagonia Bakery. She waits for Clemente's famous flower shop in the kitty corner to open its breezy doors. An arcoíris of flower arrangement hangs from the door frame. A million natural perfumes emanating from the plants into the Goddess's nose. She pauses for a moment to embrace it all. Living in her new nature. Living in her essence. 

Virgo symbolizes the Virgin Goddess carrying a stack of wheat in her arms. Virgo represents Demeter, the Goddess of harvest and agriculture. Demeter is also known as the Great Mother. In mythology, Demeter was the mother of Persephone, the Goddess of the Underworld. As a mother, she suffered immensely from losing her daughter to Hades (God of the Underworld, aka Pluto). Rage. Melancholy but also strength developed within the Demeter. She's giving BOSS lady energy. Virgo is not only the Virgin but also acquires the power of Demeter. There's an innate ability to connect to the earth and branch out in intellectualism with Virgo.

A friend asked me when we'll be able to see the New Moon in the sky. Because the new Moon is dark, it is not visible as the Full Moon. Instead, we may feel the energy as it move in the cosmos. 

I share the horoscopes for all the signs in honor of the New Moon. Suppose you'd like to read your Sun + Rising sign to get an overview of the energies. Enjoy the read! 


Renew your current routine by amplifying them to your liking. Also, at your recent work, you can start anew. Refinement is at your fingertips. Stay consistent. Stay open to the news that's flowing in. Take a look within yourself for guidance. 


Personal development through creative outlets. Work with this Moon to bring joy. There's a uniqueness in your creativity that wants to unfold. Affirmation: Today, I am open to creativity. I am safe and able to experience it. 


Tune into your inner landscape. There's an inspiration to form a more profound, positive outlook regarding how you speak to the self. What you talk about is a reflection of your external environment. Make the environment comforting, whether your home or a place you define as so. 


New alliances are forming for you, dear Cancer. You are also developing your cooperation that meets you halfway in each other's humanitarian ideals. You are aligning with a new tribe. 


Wherever you are in the path, there's a fresh restart. Newness in that path brings in other forms of monetary gain. You're manifesting, and it's coming to fruition. Practice patience. It will come to you. 


Get adventurous. Close the to-do list for a moment and leap into some adventure. This adventure helps you reach your higher vision. This higher vision connects you closer to your educational and spiritual aspirations.


Oh, baby! It's time to clear out some overdue karmic ties. Take the introspective route. Invest your time in the things YOU want to do. Watch some entertainment like good old scary movies or read scary stories to help ease the mind. 


The energy in your workspace is shifting because you are aligning differently. What's your biggest dream? Are you ready to leap? 


Think big, my dear! There's a new opportunity requiring commitment; These opportunities change your path for the better. Positive thought form and meditation is your friend. Keep the focus on the bull eyes. 


Wowwee! Risky decisions are not at all detrimental. If there's something you've wanted to invest in, do so. The money and time will always flow back to you.  


An opportunity to share more profoundly with your loved ones. Are you thinking about ways to change up the home? It's a favorable time to rearrange, decorate, and welcome good energy into your sacred spaces. 


Speak your truth in your romantic and business partnerships. Say it with conviction. You are the winner at the end of the day. Work with throat chakra activation meditation and journaling as tools to express inner thoughts. 

May the guidance provide you with light. The information above is for educational purposes only. If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, Tarot reading or healing session, please book and/or contact me. I am more than happy to guide you. Join me on Patreon community for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to Weekly Horoscopes and to learn about planetary action in the sky.

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