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Full Moon 6° Aries | Horoscope for the Signs

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog with Shayla. The Full Moon in 6° Aries beams its lunar rays on September 29. 2023, at 5:50 am EDT. This moon has entered full force with the flooding across NYC to the suspension of public transportation to heavy rains. Though it’s chaotic; I find it’s important to be grateful and in company of our loved ones.

Below I share the horoscopes for all the signs, Enjoy reading your Sun + Rising + Moon sign to get an overview of the energies.


This powerful full moon is on your side. Look at where you can express your emotions and meet yourself fully. Big releases come through as the veils open up to your true nature. Embrace, and love it with gratitude. 

Your word is vision. Pay close attention to what comes up in your dreams. There’s either reprogramming of unresolved issues or visions of renewal. 


Take some time to focus on the inner world. Revelation of hidden situations comes to light. Take it easy and slow 

Your word is to breathe. Breathe away negative or heavy emotions. Stay centered within your Anahata 


Your love for humanitarian acts comes to conscious awareness. Old friends who no longer align move along, But new ones make their way in. Trust you can share your good acts with this new group of friends 

Your word is intergalactic mastery. You’ve mastered so much. Enjoy the fruit of your labor 


What had been in the plans came to fruition. Double-check all alignments with you. Make any adjustments that are required. Find comfort at home. Spend time appreciating what home means to you at this moment 

Your words- Pay attention. Look up at every point of view. Where have there been intense emotions of rage and anger? Why? Be comforted by those around you as you reflect 


Values come into question. It’s okay to redefine what your current values are. Maybe they no longer resonate and that's okay. What you may think lacks in reality doesn’t. You have all and many. Practice gratitude 

Your word is accountability. Despite all the unfairness in the world. Hit it with a glow of light, Strength develops within. Take accountability for actions and soften 


It's time to mend your finances. Make sure all your resources are not depleted and in balance FOR the goals you have in mind. Celebrate the support you’re able to receive during this powerful moon 

Nummo Nommo - Your word has changed. Change is possible in the programming you’ve been part of since childhood. Now it is the time to embrace it but move forward to what truly sits at your core 


An awareness of your position in relationships comes to the forefront. There’s value in celebrating the oneness created by incorporating others, Knowing you weren’t alone alone. Valuing YOU amongst those in the connection, 

Your word is truth. You’re going through a breakthrough in your inner child healing and thus, discovering truth. Know You are good enough! Creating happy inner personalities helps manifest your joyful personal reality. 


What hasn’t been working out at work or health begins to shed off. The shedding creates space for other aspects to flow through, 

Sarki- Your word is stability. Become aware of what needs more stability. Readjusting and taking action is required 


Let go of self-created responsibilities or love games that no longer add value to life. Instead, take time for self-expression and enjoy personal creative outlets. Pour your heart out only if YOU feel ready. 

Your word is community. Commune with those who can support you the way you deserve. Maybe this is the people to get creative with and be who you are without fear of judgment 


It’s time to prioritize your personal space at home. Change up your space to make it as comfortable as you desire. When you get a moment allow stillness and gratitude to surround your home. Projects become finalized  

Your word is a silent retreat. Where haven't you been listening in? What are you shutting away from? It’s time to take out the earplugs. Listen in during this moon 


Clear all forms of communication that have been put on the back burner, Speak from a place of softness and gratitude. A short trip can do well to clear the mind and realign the mind/body connection. 

Your word is sexuality. There’s a part forgotten. It’s time to let that old part resurface so you can step into that power again. Speak it into the fires of manifestation 


Taking care of personal needs is powerful. You’ve worked hard to be where you are and now it’s time to close those chapters and be in full self-care mode. Sense of value changes as new ones become more vital at this moment  

Your words - Joy and light. Fully appreciate the gifts the world is giving you. All is becoming clearer and more calmer 

May the guidance provide you with light. The information above is for educational purposes only. If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, Tarot reading or healing session, please book and/or contact me. I am more than happy to guide you. Join me on Patreon community for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to Weekly Horoscopes and to learn about planetary action in the sky.

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New Moon 21° Virgo | Horoscope for the Signs

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog with Shayla. The New Moon in 21° Virgo beams its lunar rays on September 14, 2023, at 9:40 pm EDT. Today, I share a short story conquered as a reminder of the archetype that lives within Virgo—followed by the symbolism of the sign leading us into the horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs. 

The Goddess stands outside Jose Quezada's Bodega with freshly baked Italian bread from the Palagonia Bakery. She waits for Clemente's famous flower shop in the kitty corner to open its breezy doors. An arcoíris of flower arrangement hangs from the door frame. A million natural perfumes emanating from the plants into the Goddess's nose. She pauses for a moment to embrace it all. Living in her new nature. Living in her essence. 

Virgo symbolizes the Virgin Goddess carrying a stack of wheat in her arms. Virgo represents Demeter, the Goddess of harvest and agriculture. Demeter is also known as the Great Mother. In mythology, Demeter was the mother of Persephone, the Goddess of the Underworld. As a mother, she suffered immensely from losing her daughter to Hades (God of the Underworld, aka Pluto). Rage. Melancholy but also strength developed within the Demeter. She's giving BOSS lady energy. Virgo is not only the Virgin but also acquires the power of Demeter. There's an innate ability to connect to the earth and branch out in intellectualism with Virgo.

A friend asked me when we'll be able to see the New Moon in the sky. Because the new Moon is dark, it is not visible as the Full Moon. Instead, we may feel the energy as it move in the cosmos. 

I share the horoscopes for all the signs in honor of the New Moon. Suppose you'd like to read your Sun + Rising sign to get an overview of the energies. Enjoy the read! 


Renew your current routine by amplifying them to your liking. Also, at your recent work, you can start anew. Refinement is at your fingertips. Stay consistent. Stay open to the news that's flowing in. Take a look within yourself for guidance. 


Personal development through creative outlets. Work with this Moon to bring joy. There's a uniqueness in your creativity that wants to unfold. Affirmation: Today, I am open to creativity. I am safe and able to experience it. 


Tune into your inner landscape. There's an inspiration to form a more profound, positive outlook regarding how you speak to the self. What you talk about is a reflection of your external environment. Make the environment comforting, whether your home or a place you define as so. 


New alliances are forming for you, dear Cancer. You are also developing your cooperation that meets you halfway in each other's humanitarian ideals. You are aligning with a new tribe. 


Wherever you are in the path, there's a fresh restart. Newness in that path brings in other forms of monetary gain. You're manifesting, and it's coming to fruition. Practice patience. It will come to you. 


Get adventurous. Close the to-do list for a moment and leap into some adventure. This adventure helps you reach your higher vision. This higher vision connects you closer to your educational and spiritual aspirations.


Oh, baby! It's time to clear out some overdue karmic ties. Take the introspective route. Invest your time in the things YOU want to do. Watch some entertainment like good old scary movies or read scary stories to help ease the mind. 


The energy in your workspace is shifting because you are aligning differently. What's your biggest dream? Are you ready to leap? 


Think big, my dear! There's a new opportunity requiring commitment; These opportunities change your path for the better. Positive thought form and meditation is your friend. Keep the focus on the bull eyes. 


Wowwee! Risky decisions are not at all detrimental. If there's something you've wanted to invest in, do so. The money and time will always flow back to you.  


An opportunity to share more profoundly with your loved ones. Are you thinking about ways to change up the home? It's a favorable time to rearrange, decorate, and welcome good energy into your sacred spaces. 


Speak your truth in your romantic and business partnerships. Say it with conviction. You are the winner at the end of the day. Work with throat chakra activation meditation and journaling as tools to express inner thoughts. 

May the guidance provide you with light. The information above is for educational purposes only. If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, Tarot reading or healing session, please book and/or contact me. I am more than happy to guide you. Join me on Patreon community for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to Weekly Horoscopes and to learn about planetary action in the sky.

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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo All Signs + Soulful Guidance

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog with Shayla. I’m excited to share the horoscopes for Mercury Rx in Virgo + SOULGuidance. This is a collective share. Take what resonates and what doesn’t set it aside. Know no matter the challenge or if there’s none, walk through it with grace.

A Gift. Eyal Eliezer


Expect to go off course with your daily routine. Try something different everyday, See how it feels. 

SOULGuidance: Take time to fine tune some of things in your to-do list or bucket list you’ve forgotten about. Now is the time to plan the revisit and when it’s time take the leap 


Mercury Rx: Embark on a journey to better understand romance in your life. If there’s a creative hobby you want to pursue, take the time to revisit it.

SOULGuidance: Reflective Questions 

  • How does romance show up in your life? 

  • Would you like to be more present with romance? Yes, why? No, why? 

  • Make a list of any creative hobbies you’ve been thinking about pursuing. Just write them all down without thinking about them logically. When you’re done, circle the ones that catch your attention.


Be mindful of leaks, flooding or technical issues at home. A wound dehiscence resurface issues within your family. Instead of fighting your way through. Lean back a bit. Rest and reset. Then tackle the issues head on. 

SOULGuidance: Keep/ start a dream journal. As dreams  become vivid during this time.Upon waking write all that you remember. It’s okay if you don’t recall the dream. It’ll come back later. 


Before running away with all kinds of ideas, process it first! Communication can get fussy for you my dear Cancer. When you feel overwhelmed and arguments erupt, take a deep breath. Try not to hide too much in your protective shell or take anyone's comments too seriously. Let negative comments roll down your back   

SOULGuidance: Stand with your arms wide open looking towards the East. If you’re not sure which direction is East use the compass on your phone. Stand with your back nice and straight. Take 3 deep breaths. On the last breath, close your eyes. Bring awareness to the bottom of your feet as you connect to Earth. Notice how the Universe supports you. When you’re ready, open your eyes. How do you feel? 


You may start to rethink that your worth is compromised. Mercury Rx cast a bit of shadow around any current misalignments regarding self worth and your finances to reshape how you can stand more as your true self. There’s no need to be harsh on yourself. What you’re learning during this season is beneficial for the long term commitment to your true essence. By the way, no one is competing with you. Only you can compete with yourself. 

SOULGuidance: If you’ve been doing shadow work. Continue the work. Keep a journal. Everyday make it a practice to write at least one word that resonates with you at the very time and moment you’re in. If you'd like to take it a step further, here are suggestive reflection questions to ask the lion/lioness within: 

  • What do I value the most right now? How does it benefit me? 

  • When I feel the most fierce ___________________(fill in the blank) 

  • What’s a part of myself that I’ve been denying? Why? 

  • How can I start to integrate this part of myself in my daily routine? 


Are you thinking of traveling during this time? Think about it! It may not be favorable because the plans you have in mind may not go according to your itinerary. There may be feeling that there are blockages and challenges.. Practice patience and be kind to yourself. Leave room for mistakes to happen. I know mistakes are not your cup of tea. Take one moment at a time. Remember to be good to yourself. 

SOULGuidance: Practice patience. You may be wondering how to do so. Patience requires some level of awareness. Throughout the next 3 weeks, bring awareness to your feelings, conversations and pay close attention especially in times when the environment around you feels chaotic. Tap into the word patience by slowing it the f* down 


It’s time to retreat my dear. It’s better to go with the flow than fight your way through this season. You’re asked to sit down with all of it, the good and the challenges. You may feel as your in an illusive space. Let yourself be grounded by connecting to earth around you. Leave space for ideas at work or in your mind to float in. 

SOULGuidance: If you have a spiritual practice, turn up the volume by spending more time connecting to the higher up and really diving into what needs to be cleaned out of your life. So renewal can enter. If you don't have a practice, create one that feels good to you and make it a consistent one even after the season is over. 


Sporadic changes to your tribe. Time to rethink your partnerships. Does it bring you peace, hope, tranquility? Or does it bring you the opposite? While old doors are closing off to people who are shedding from your life. Another brand new door opens to people who see the bigger picture of your vision. 

SOULGuidance: Reflection questions: 

  • To whom am I giving love to? 

  • Who am I caring for? 

  • Who in my closest tribe supports me? 

  • Where do I feel depleted? When I interact with ______ (name of person) I feel depleted because _______ (state your reasoning) 

  • Where do I feel energized? When I interact with _____________ (name of person) I feel energized because ____________ (state your reasoning)

  • Moving forward I set healthy boundaries with ___________. Describe how. 

Affirmation: Moving forward I open my heart to receive genuine care and love 


What hasn’t worked in your career doesn’t mean you’re failing. It means to replan so after this season you can begin to rebuild. There’s something in your career you’ll need to fine tune. Stay quiet about, replan and then present it out in the world after the retrograde

SOULGuidance:Go to your local library to loan  business-related books to help you restructure your career. Search online for inspiration. Or, create a mood board that reflect your career goals on apps like Pinterest or do it the old school way with paper, scissors and magazines


Your belief system comes into question during this season. What you think is right or wrong about what you believe is up for discussion. Remember beliefs stem from early childhood, skewed or not. Attempting to hold on tightly  to those beliefs is counter productive during this time. It’s best if you allow yourself to read, learn or listen to others' belief systems. 

SoulGuidance: Reflective questions 

  • What is my belief system? 

  • When/where did I acquire those beliefs? 

  • Are those beliefs beneficial to me? Are those beliefs limiting? 

  • How can I grow and develop in my own belief system? 

  • What would I like to integrate into my system that's supportive of who I am right now? 


Re-stacking your finances. Time to take care of some needed debts you may owe. Restructure how you've been managing your finances. You may become intrigued by the paranormal, spiritual side of things. 

SOULGuidance: Download an app or use excel sheets to take care of your finances.Make a fun scary movie list that you can enjoy on your favorite apps 

Discernment will be your friend as you begin to open the curtain to the intentions of the people closest to you. Try to do your best to work in equal terms. If equality doesn’t exist then this is a clue to leave those behind who aren’t willing to reciprocate.

SOULGuidance: Spend time learning how bring balance to relationships

Reflective questions: 

  • Who are the closest people to me? 

  • How does equality/reciprocity present itself in my relationship? Where it doesn’t? 

  • How can best work in balance in these relationships? 

May the guidance provide you with light. The information above is for educational purposes only. If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, Tarot reading or healing session, please book and/or contact me. I am more than happy to guide you.

Join me on Patreon community for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to Weekly Horoscopes and to learn about planetary action in the sky.

Enjoying the blog? Feel free to Buy Me Coffee > Venmo: @shayla-mrose. Thank you for the support

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Venus Rx Horoscope | For the 12 Signs July 22nd-Sept. 3rd

Welcome to the Mystical Intelligence blog. I’m excited to share with you the Venus Rx in Leo Horoscopes with heart centered stones recommednations.

What does Venus Rx even mean? Anytime a planet goes retrograde it slows down. It doesn’t actually go backwards in the sky rather is goes in a different position than its counterpart. How does that affect us on planet earth? It ask of us to also slow down. Looking within our dynamics of love, money and relations with this Rx in Venus. There may be feelings of lack or questioning the what “if” in themes of love. Giving us space to reflect and learn new lessons along the way. After the Venus Rx is set and done then we can apply what we’ve learned during those six weeks to our dynamics moving forward. If there are any challenges to your natal Venus my suggestions is to breathe through it. Everything will be okay. Remember all is for growth. I’ve also included crystal recommednations to help you center the heart during this season. You’re welcome to read the insight below for your Sun + Rising sign.


Love hasn’t been easy, but that shall not deter you from finding sincere love. You’ve learned many lessons that prepare you for this season. Think about one way you can begin to approach potential love connections in a brand new way! Most importantly place no expectations, let it flow and have fun with it.  

Crystal: Colbato Calcite aka the Aphrodite stone. A great stone to encourage forgiveness that comes from the heart. Forgive your past to move towards the NOW


Let go of the hand. The hand of the wounded inner child. As you slowly let go of the hand familial trauma is surrendered. More clarity to speak on how to  build a new connection with your loved ones. Bring sprinkles of love to your land by reorganizing to attract beauty within the home and also within the self. 

Crystal: Watermelon Tourmaline. Its metaphysical properties awakens the higher heart which lives above the heart (considered the seat of the soul). Brings in the energy of joy in times of challenge or where it’s difficult to see happiness.


Connect with friends but on a deeper level. So deep that it will illuminate some healing not only for you but your whole tribe. Know that you are worth in all the friends groups you’ve become part of because there is no one like you!  Connect with people who accept all of you, even that sparkly flair. 

Crystal: Amazonite. The blue hue radiating from the crystal is a reminder of the ocean. Connecting truth, communication and harmony both within and among people. Bringing in harmony to areas where there’s fear of communicating when there is conflict or inability to express one’s thoughts


Thinking about changing homes? Now is the time to make the plans, attempt not to make a decision right away. Slow it down a bit. Reconnect to the appreciation of your home and what visions there are for the new one. What do you value the most, comfort or luxury? City living or lush suburbs. Or, make it unconventional like riding away on an RV? Think and then take action. 

Crystal: Moonstone. Connecting the harmony of your deep emotions. Allow calm to flow through


Self love is in the air. Accepting all parts of the self and exposing it out to the world. Navigate ways to be seen more publically. What you have to offer to the world is special and from a place of understanding of you really are. You’re the trendsetter. Remember to work from the heart.

Crystal: Fuschite. The softness of this stones is a reminder to soften the center of your chest today. Breathe in the energy


Discover the powerful feminine within. Do you know your ancestral story? By understanding the story you have the key into ways to love and the magical gifts passed down to you. Take some time to meditate and do some deep soul work. Allow this time to feel like a blanket of love surrounding you. 

Crystal: Ajo Quartz.  If possible learn about  or work with this crystal for sweetness, dispel melancholy and connect to Goddess energy. *This stone is rare and the price point is high. I recommend imagining a piece of ajo quartz before you. Bring in and out until you feel ready to connect to the stones' energy. Now close your eyes. Feel the energy from the crystal. How does it feel? How does it make you feel? What is coming up for you? 


Make time to take some solo dates and time alone. You’ve given a lot of energy to many. Now it is self care and me time. Also, take this time to approach social media with purpose.. What is misaligned or aligned for you at this moment? 

Crystal: Morganite. Unlock the heart to allow unconditional love to enter your life


Need a hand with your business endeavor? Encounter multiple people who are willing and ready to get on the same bus with you. But before making a decision on who to choose reevaluate if the mission you have encompasses acts of love for the human experience.Are the people you want in your team also aligned?  Is your mission aligned to the macro level? 

Crystal: Garnet. Balance power and the heart chakra together to create a check point from where to build an foundation in all you bring to the world


Put into practice what you’ve learned in the past months. There’s a blurry line between theory and practical that you’ll need to decipher. Looking back at what you’ve learned, what does your heart tell you to practice more? Remember you’ve invested a ton of money as well as worked hard. Now practice! Practice makes perfect

Crystal: Pink Tourmaline. Soothes the mind for all that was learned. Helps us to refocus on what is important at the moment


Understanding your love language. Think of a time when someone made you feel safe so you were able to connect intimately. It could be a love interest, partner, or friend. Learning your love language and intimacy style is for you. I suggest reading love language books or watching movies that show the depths of love.

Crystal: Flower Agate connects the heart + root chakra. I feel this may help in opening us up to mother energy. Opening our roads to connect with the mother within. You are the flower my dear!


Getting the bag honey! Your heart glistens to the thought of filling a dream. Despite feeling there’s not enough money to upstart or continue your dream. Instead of giving up, pave your own way. Collaborate with others, your words are always heard and your skills are persuasion are beautiful. Let that one person who roots for you to be your second hand person in this big dream that sits at the center of your heart.

Crystal: Blue Opal is good for emotional healing. The crystal is rather expensive, I suggest search it on Google images images. Feel free to mediate with it in that way

Let feelings of unease with people whom you work with. Let these feelings to be dismantled. Look at the brighter side of the coin to move forward from what is not sitting right with you in your work environment. You become the scales- balance in this situation. It’s time to show-and-tell your best harmonious self to the world by the diplomatic voice that lives within. Spruce up your space to shake off stagnation.

Crystal: Larimar. Giving mermaid vibes here! The crystal is rare and the price point is high. It helps connect to heart healing and love energy

May the guidance provide you with light and peace! The information above is for educational purposes only. The crystals do not correspond to the Zodiac signs but rather were selected intuitively.If there are any questions or you would like to book an Astrology reading, healing session or have a question about the crystals, please feel free to book and contact me. I am more than happy to guide you.

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