Mystical Intelligence Blog
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Alchemy of Pelvic Steam…
Pelvic steams consist of fire, water, air, and earth, part of the alchemist’s toolbox.
Take a moment to look at this simple pictorial representation of how yoni steams manifest.
Let's begin by separating each element, water being the primary source of healing. Water -like our feelings- need a container to sit and brew. The pot (earth) becomes a vessel, which can contain heat (fire) + water. The stove or burner flame we see at the bottom creates a flame that fuses/separates different elements together and heats the pot (earth). The pot (earth) rises to a temperature high enough to create movement in the water.
Then begin to see bubbles and hear the whistling water. When we are captivated by the sound, we lift the top, and steam (air) begins to rise. Then herbal formulas (earth) are sprinkled. With the moisture (water), we can start to heal by sitting over steamy healing waters for our body, pelvic area, reproductive health, and emotions that bring us to a state of oneness (alchemy) and connect us all deeper to mama earth. That's what makes yoni/pelvic steams part of my healing work.
As a guide for seekers to come to oneness and health is alchemizing. I offer Yoni steam standalone sessions and Steams x intuitive readings for the spirit. If you're interested in standalone or steam x reading sessions, please feel to contact or book here
*Credit: This blog was written with great inspiration from what I’ve learned and the ancestors
Season of the Great Emperor
Welcome to Mid-Month ENERGY of Tarot and story shares! Spring in New York City is finally here! You know what gives me a cue Spring has arrived, the sounds of the city birds chirping and roaring motorcycles passing through my neighborhood. The laughs of my neighbors and the kids coming out of school. These are the sounds that allow me to be present in the grandiose city that “never” sleeps. I present you in this piece of writing the Great Emperor. The energy of the Great Emperor is the tarot key IV corresponding to the zodiacal sign Aries. Aries season initiates the beginning of Spring. It illuminates what we have cultivated throughout the year with its single spark, making it the Season of the Great Emperor. Allowing us to tap into our new beginnings and expansion.
I immediately get strong abuelito and abuelita vibration when I pull the Emperor. This potent energy of abuelito/a has boundaries because they know how sh!t works (the ins and outs). They teach us how to push the start button (reminds me of those big red pushbuttons) how to expand from the inside out. The Great Abuelitx exists in the fourth sphere of the Tree of Life: Chesed, where manifestation and expansion (Jupiterian energy) co-create to give us the lessons of our ancestors. To make anew the path that we feel so deep within ourselves to begin and continue until we become the Great Emperors in our legacy.
Begin to use these energies in your life as a push of encouragement
Here are a few suggestions to work with the energy throughout the season of the great Emperor:
Color: Red | Visualize this color to initiate conversations, to dream, begin new projects
Animal: Ram | Accept guidance from higher authorities and elders
Tarot Key IV: The Emperor | Place on an altar, desk, or somewhere visible
Stone: Red Mountain Jade - Chinese stone used to stand as a warrior letting go of fear and doubt. The energy of fire is very prominent in this stone. I would suggest working with the stone in small increments until getting used to it. I have a bracelet, and oh boy, I get super fired up
Music: Balance the fire within you with binaural Theta or delta waves ***Make sure not to drive or operate machinery; you will enter different levels of deep relaxation***
Happy Healing all!
Photo by @queengidrea (Instagram)
Shedding, Beauty + Inspiration
Welcome! I've been shedding like a snake the past few weeks. I was feeling, well, the feels. Wooo. In feeling, I've also reflected on a few things, such as inspiration/ expectation and beauty.
From my perspective, Inspirational Expectation is basing creative efforts and needs on the external instead of focusing on what's right in front—allowing ego to take over instead of intuition. And believe me, this hit me hard. Inspiration was waiting for me inside of my phone. In the snap of two fingers my love for the spoken word, reading, and writing came running back to me in channels.
One evening I am laying in bed, I decide to open the Prime Video app on my phone to watch a documentary for my moon studies. I felt incredibly inspired by a documentary de Gabriel Gracia Marquez because as a kid, I read "Love in the Time of Cholera" and many other magical realistic novels. Gabo's poetic words always left me inspired. As I watched the docu, warm, salty ocean tears began to roll down my puffy rosy cheeks. An ocean of remembrance began to run through the waterfalls of my veins, inspiring me to the realness harbored within me. Therefore, for February, I will continue to provide you with sacred space -the Rowdy Writer's Circle, Coffee & Oracle with Shayla, podcast, and spiritual healing-offerings (e.g., readings, healing, and community readings)
As I was reconnecting to my essence, I felt called to share My Special Beauty Spread. At first, I was hesitant to share, but I realized someone might need this spread. I hope the spread will light you up and turn your wheels to be inspired. A demonstration is available on my YouTube. So feel free to explore the spread, and I kindly ask you to subscribe, share and spread the love.
*My Special Beauty Spread was channeled; please reference when working with the spread. Many blessings!
Dreams + Sacred Space
Welcome to the blog! The last couple of months has weighed heavy on all of us, especially with the changes in New York City and around the world. There was a time in December where I felt drained and had no idea about my direction. So I sat at my overly crowded desk, took a couple of deep breaths, listened to Heart Chakra Pranayama by Londrelle on Spotify. I remember just sitting there with my eyes closed, hoping to get some direction.
As I was going through the motion in my waking life. My dream life showed me otherwise. I experienced a dream where I was in a camping lodge with friends. We were having fun, and I remember socializing with everyone. There was a part in my dream where I went into a bathroom stall. There was someone else in the stall next to me. I remember there being a third person- A lot of kind energy- (I couldn’t see them, but they walked with me the whole month of December) “everything will be okay and you will do well.” A spark of excitement lit me up! I had to tell the person in the stall the message I received. The person proceeded to explain it was a spirit guide. I asked the person to give me a name. The name I received felt familiar to my soul.
I woke up, pulled my large sketch book-journal with the word ‘supreme’ in bold white letters, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and wrote my journal entry. I hadn’t looked back until December 31st, and the message behind the dream asked me to reflect. So once more, I sat at my messy desk. I took my pen, a stack of papers, and it came to me that 2022 is a year where I open sacred spaces for others. The sign from my dream guide is that everything is okay in chaos, and I need to flow with others.
In the year to come, I offer you the Rowdy Writer’s Circle and Healing the Swords: A Hypnosis + Tarot Experience. These spaces are my” sacred babies” and I am honor to open the doors to the community.
Many blessings!
From a Rose
Are you seeking Direction & Guidance?
Welcome to Mid-Month Energy of Tarot! Are you seeking Direction and guidance? I invite you to explore the Direction + Guidance spread. Set a time and space to dig deep into the messages from the spread. I suggest preparing by having a journal, any deck, pen, and another tool of choice. Before you begin, take a deep breath, shuffle your cards. Deal for the following guided questions:
After each card, take a deep breath, listen in for 1-2 minutes, and write any messages coming through at that moment.
Card #1: What did I let go and leave in the past?
Card #2: What Direction am I going towards in my life?
Card #3: How can I plan for the next Direction in my life?
Card #4: Where do I need to ground to move forth in the Direction?
Card #5: How can I center myself to move forward?
Are you interested in working with me? I encourage you to visit Manifesting Magickk Together at to book a session. Offerings are available in English and Spanish. Follow me on Instagram @shayla_m_rose for events, shop product drops, and more!
Disclaimer: If you would like to use the following spread with others or group settings, please reference this page and the creator’s name.
Where do your mysteries lay dormant?
Welcome to Mid-Month Energy of Tarot! Scorpio season is here, so is Halloween and many other fun things!
Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto and classically by Mars as well associated with the Death Card in tarot. This season asks us to be the Scorpion, serpent, and become the eagle for mighty strength. To dive deep into the vessels of our body to search for our dormant mysteries. In the process of that search to find truth in the cycle of death, rebirth, renewal.
During this season, what are you called to die out for evolution? I invite you to do The Scorpion Spread for additional guidance.
Card #1: What do I need to transform?
Card #2: What needs to ‘die’ out for transformation to occur?
Card #3: What energy could help me as an ally to evolve?
Card #4: Where do my mysteries lay dormant?
May The Scorpion Spread serve you well!
Art by @realbadkerning
Are you interested in working with me? I encourage you to visit Manifesting Magickk Together at to book a session. Offerings are available in English and Spanish. Also, follow me on Instagram @shayla_m_rose for events, shop product drops, and much more!
Community: Summer With the Village
Summer 2021 holds a special place in my heart. The 6 train stops at Astor Place. I walk up the stairs and out into the street outside the New York City subway station. Hauling a small wooden table, a whole bunch of tape, a small poster with the title "Community Readings $5. Meet reader Shayla M. Rose" with a picture of me holding a fan of tarot cards. As I walk, a massive crowd of people from all backgrounds, protestors, activists, people in kinky fishnet stockings, goths nevertheless, the eccentrics, "weirdos" like myself- a diversity of people. Rainbow-colored flags waving at me from afar, glitter and sparkles encapsulating me in happiness. I began community readings on Pride Day during a hot, humid Sunday in New York City.
I found myself doing outdoor readings in front of Jewels Parlor on the edge of the sidewalk. I came with no expectation besides offering a spiritual service to people at St. Marks Place. My friends helped me to set up for the community readings in the sweltering summer heat. Shout out to Anna Banana, Banger, and the lovely young lady who lend me a table from her job for helping! It felt surreal, but I felt no fear. I just went for it.
In retrospect, I am grateful for the skills I developed in community work. Most importantly, I am proud to expand my voice as an Intuitive Latinx Healer and serve the collective. Summer 2021 continues to hold a piece of my heart. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me, and please enjoy the Community: Summer With the Village video.
Are you interested in working with me? I encourage you to visit Manifesting Magickk Together at to book a session. Offerings are available in English and Spanish. Also, follow me on Instagram @shayla_m_rose for events, shop product drops, and much more!
Dreamy Spread
Welcome to Energy of Tarot and Story shares! Today's focus is the Dreamy Tarot Spread to help you dream better, problem solve and bring awareness into your life. The spread is twofold; first, you will receive subconscious illumination cards (dreamland) and consciousness illumination cards (waking life). May the Dreamy spread serve you well!
Index card or sticky note
Tarot or Oracle Deck
Journal or notebook
Dreamy playlist *
Before you begin the dreamy spread with empty lungs, take a deep breath counting to 1, 2,3,4 hold, release slowly, 1,2,3,4. Repeat the breathing pattern 3-4 times until you feel relaxed.
Take a moment to close your eyes and bring forth into your mind the most recent dream. When ready, open your eyes, give the deck a good shuffle. Place The Moon card, an index card with a word, emotion, or drawing relating to the most recent dream in front of you. Give yourself some space to place down more cards. On the sticky note, draw any dream sigils you may have or the glyph for Neptune. Place the sticky note next to the index card.
The first set of cards illuminate your subconscious, and the direction dreams ask you to evaluate. Write down the cards you received
Card #1: Past
Card #2: Now
Card #3: Later
Waking Life
The second set of cards related to your dreams is already illuminated in your waking life and consciousness to understand what you already know.
Card #1: Past
Card #2: Now
Card #3: Later
Write down the responses. Take a moment to pause. With empty lungs, begin to take a deep breath counting 1,2,3,4, Hold and release slowly 1,2,3,4
Play your most dreamy music, relax and when you're ready, start to analyze the cards your dreams are pointing to and make a list of the next steps in your current life
Suggestion: Before bed, review your dream interpretation. Studying your dream will give your subconscious guidance in the dream world. In the morning, write down any parts you've remembered from the dream. If dream recollection is challenging, please feel free to contact me with questions and to book a spiritual guidance consultation at, Instagram @shayla_m_rose.
Enjoy & healing dreams!
Disclaimer: The spread was channeled through me. If you intend to use the spread with others, please credit by sharing and citing this page.
Career Path Tarot Spread
Welcome to Energy of Tarot and Story shares! Today’s focus is the Career Path Tarot Spread to help you find the career your soul seeks and allow you to shine. The spread is twofold; first, you will understand what career the soul seeks. Second, you will understand the steps to take that will lead you into your desired career.
Card 1: What career am I seeking?
Card 2: What benefits does the career bring into my life?
Card 3: How can I make changes and shine in my career?
Card 1: What preparation is required of me for the career?
Cards 2-5 are the steps
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Journal about the general feel of the spread. Then, brainstorm and write a plan of action.
Disclaimer: The spread was channeled through me in a dream. If you intend to use the spread with others, please credit by sharing and citing this page.
Manifestation Tarot Spread
Yesterday, June 24, 2021, the moon was fully illuminating us. How are you feeling from the full moon energy? Full moon phases are a good time to release while creating space for gratitude from all we cultivated. Similar to moon cycles, we as a collective, community, and individual experience different cycles. We evolve as our experiences teach us what needs to be made aware of and our desires. Manifesting is not different from the moon cycle- during the Full Moon, we can manifest by calling into our life our deepest desires.
Before continuing the discussion, I would like to define Manifestation (noun), “a sign of something existing or happening” (Cambridge Dictionary, accessed 2021). Manifest (verb), “to make evident by showing or displaying” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, accessed 2021). The term manifestation is coined as part of ‘new age’ spirituality that uses the law of attraction (Intentions/desire will become true if you know it’s already in existence) to manifest. Manifestation isn’t just a ‘new age’ fad. There is brain science behind manifestation, for instance, our brains work like a magnet. In “The Psychology of Manifestation” Brogley (2020) dives into the science of manifestation. In an interview with Dr. Joe Vitale, he explains the following:
“Basic psychology says you will get more of whatever you focus on in life –– your brain will look for things to make that focus come true. The part of the brain responsible for this explanation is your subconscious; more specifically, a network of neurons in the brainstem called the reticular activating system. The RAS is programmed for survival; it’s constantly looking around you for possible threats. What people don’t know is that you can program the RAS in your brain to attract something you want to have.” (Brogley, 2020). * Visualization is handy for manifestation. A vision populates in our brain (our desire), the idea comes through, we move into a brainstorming and plan phase. After that, we move into executing that vision, and that vision materializes on earth. Once the image is in our subconscious and we know we already have the desire, manifestation occurs!
Another interesting cycle I’ve been fortunate to learn is The Witches Cycle of Manifestation by James Divine, a Master Palmist. Think of the cycle as gardening. First, you make sure the soil is good (positive thinking, know you already have the desire physically in front of you), proceed to plant a tiny seed (Thoughts, beliefs, ideas), that seed starts to sprout (words, statements, explanations), the leaves begin to grow (actions, behavior, intentional and unintentional). Followed by flowering (habits, routines, systems, and Fruit (results, outcomes, values). Similar to The Witches Cycle of Manifestation* is the same ways in which the Full Moon works its energy. During the full moon, you can create that space of release and expression of gratitude for all that came to fruition in cycles of manifestation.
This leads me to the Manifestation Tarot Spread I created in 2020.
Set a time and space to relax. Have tarot cards available, a journal, and a pen nearby. Give your deck a good shuffle or if you prefer a digital version of the card- there are millions of apps.
Write down 1 desire. Visual that desire. Imagine yourself with your desire physically in front of you. Begin to pull the following cards. My intention for the spread is to help you unblock fears and limitations surrounding manifestations, which prevent us from obtaining desired outcomes. I suggest doing the spread every full moon or during night rituals. Allow the energy of the moon, and desire to lead you to the highest potential! Some good advice is to remember that all from the heart will come to fruition (keep this in mind while manifesting).
Card #1: What do I desire to manifest?
Card #2: What limitations and fears could I choose to let go of right now to manifest my greatest potential?
Card: #3: What will I receive from manifesting?
Card #4: How can I keep focus in the process?
Card #5: What came to fruition in the process of manifesting?
Reference and Resources
Manifest (Definition)
The Psychology Behind Manifestation (The science behind manifestation)
Reticular Activating System (Image of RAS)
Recommended Audio resource:
Magnetic Energy Magick Hypnosis Audio - Desiree Eckert
Need help with visualization?
I recommend the following binaural track by Chris Collins
Brainwave app- Brainwave 35 Binaural Programs
A Tarot Spread for Emotional & Energy Awareness
It is a pleasure to share the following spread for emotional and energy awareness. The spread intends to help us find ways to refocus through tarot as a healing tool. If you have a deck available or an app, take a moment to take the tools out. Keep a journal and pen nearby.
Before you begin, take three deep breaths. Give your deck a good shuffle, break, reshuffle as many times. When it is time, pull three cards.
Card #1: What is my energy at the moment?
Card #2: What energy can I let go of?
Card #3: What energy should I focus on today (or the remainder of the day?)
Take a look at the three cards. Breathe. Open your journal. Write what came through (go with the flow), any impressions, anything stood out? How did the images make you feel? Resonates? Far off? Keep writing.
When you've completed the journal entry, take a deep breath. Give thanks to your guides (If this is comfortable) and yourself for taking this time to bring awareness to your emotions and energy. I suggest doing the spread each morning. Once consistency happens, change will unfold. Blessings!
May this spread bring us healing.
With much love,
*Tarot spread was channeled, created, and released in 2020. The tarot spread was modified in 2021.
The Sun card Ritual
In honor of the Summer Solstice, which is on June 20, 2021, I would like to share a solar ritual inspired by The Sun card from the Thoth Deck. In the Thoth Deck, “The sun that shines on all things is an image of fire as a symbol of life energy. It is the center of creation; its rays penetrate everything…It also symbolizes the enlightening energies of consciousness with which we get clarity and can overcome all the confusion, all the discomforts, and all the vague fears” ( When we allow ourselves to embrace the warmth of the sun, we heal and shine bright. The sun brings us the flashlight to navigate our darkest shadows and notify us of our ability to center in all of it. To be who we are. To shine. To play.
It is such a pleasure to share this beautiful ritual with the collective. You will need a candle, The Sun card (digital card will suffice)from the tarot deck of your choosing, and a crystal of choice.
The Solar Ritual by Shayla M. Rose
Set a time and space without distraction (think of it as your container holding you). Call upon guides, ancestors, goddesses, or deities to assist.
Place the Sun Card and crystal in front of you (like a mirror reflecting you)
Take a deep cleansing breath
Start to close your eyes. Soften your eyes. Relax your jaw & tongue (reduces mind chatter). Relax your whole body as best as you can.
Set an intention for the solar ritual. For instance, what do you desire? How can you shine? Etc
Visualize the rays from the Sun card radiate through your chest. The rays become a small ball of energy moving from your head down towards your feet. Feel the warmth of the sun rays embracing you
Take a deep breath, count to 6. Hold and release your breath - repeat 4 times as you notice the rays of the sun expand and warm energy moving throughout the body
When ready, say the following out loud or inward
“I am solar.”
“I am the sun.”
“I stand in my truth and within myself that I may trust. All that is precious in me.”
“I am centered.”
Take a moment to sink in and continue to breathe, counting to 21
Place hands in prayer position in the heart center, thank your guides
Release hands to give yourself a big hug
Bask in your solar (self) aspects. Allow inspiration, calm, and centeredness in this new season
Welcome to Summer Solstice 2021!
Path, Integrity,Justice Card
Welcome to today’s ENERGY of Tarot, a space to share tarot energies with you who are part of this beautiful collective. The astrological flow is Sun in Taurus and Moon in Cancer. However, I wrote the blog post during the Sun in Taurus and Moon in Gemini.
Recently, I started series called A Rose Dreamin’ on Instagram, which is dedicated to dream messages that pertain to us collectively. As a dreamer, I dream for all of us as we are all connected in some way on this earth.
I was getting off a smoky New York City subway station, and a massive stampede of people ran to the right side of the dream, but only a few people and I walked straight ahead, leading to a different path. Straight ahead, there were these large glass doors that, when open, led us outside. As soon as we were out, an immediate sense of relief came over us as the fresh air touched our senses.
As I am writing this piece, I realize that I don't usually share dreams with the collective, but I felt this calling. Then, I started to wonder about how the collective is doing. The question that came to mind for us are we choosing the path we want without the opinions and influence from others? As the reader of this blog, you are here for a reason; are you committing to what YOU want, not what others tell you to do. As people, we influence each other so much, which is vital to an extent but is it really what we want for the self.
A sense of discernment is necessary to decide what is influential to us as individuals and a collective. In exploring the dream integrity and self-truth came to mind. I pulled the Elhaz oracle card from Alana Fairchild’s Earth Warrior deck (great oracle deck!), which speaks to integrity. According to Fairchild, Elk wisdom encourages us to know what is right and to have integrity. When integrity is compromised, there is a loss of the self. Through integrity, we can find the truth. When we are too often easily influenced, we continue to climb the same tree, competing against each other, picking similar branches and leaves as everyone else. Still, we forget that at the bottom of the tree, there are other gems to be explored. Most of those gems are all unique and within us but are pushed aside because the opinions of others string us along and influence us. With the energy of The Justice card, we can start to place the gems of integrity, self-truth, knowing, and the self back into balance on those brass scales. As a collective, we can walk the path in truth.
Let’s walk it! Dance with it! Become our path! F**k, I think I love YOU. Love your truth.
Thank you!
Instagram: @shayla_m_rose
La Casa Azul Bookstore
Welcome to this space of story sharing and good ol’ memories at La Casa Azul Bookstore NYC. Before we begin to read, I would like to honor the astrological flow of the day as the Sun is in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio.
In the summer of 2012, I interned at La Casa Azul Bookstore NYC. Aurora Anaya C. (founder) had recently opened the bookstore’s door to the community of East Harlem, NYC. I was interning as a School Program Coordinator during the summer, in which I traveled back and forth between Downstate & Upstate New York.
Aurora A.C’s dream was to move to NYC from Los Angeles, California, to open a Latinx bookstore in a community flowing with the richness of cultura (culture). The store wasn’t just a bookstore; it was a scream for people of color to be seen. To allow surrounding school-age children to see books with characters that look like them. It was a community center where many Latinx authors gathered to share their voices. I was in the middle of it all. My role as a program coordinator extended beyond. I delved deeper into my culture, women writers of color - who I had no idea existed!
I learned every cover I saw was part of me. I am every Latinx woman writer. Above all, I learned to appreciate the beautiful Comunidad (community). In retrospect, I learned to honor myself through these writers because of my experience at La Casa Azul Bookstore (which is no longer exist because of the unfortunate gentrification that blossomed in that area of East Harlem and Aurora’s desires to restructure her business model - according to the only online article I was able to find). Yes, I did some digging and didn’t find much besides the possibility of the bookstore being online- don’t quote me on this.
Lastly, in honor of the Moon in Scorpio, because it sure did take me back to memory lane when I stumbled upon Cafe con Libros bookstore in Brooklyn, New York.
The moon in Scorpio encourages us into the sands of memories where pieces of treasure lay and where water (Moon in Scorpio) and earth (Sun in Taurus) meet. The colliding of both elements spark the fire within.
With much love and honor for writing!
Disclaimer: Art in the photo is not my creation or property. This art was found along my walk through a community in Brooklyn
Shayla M. Rose
Manifesting Magickk Together
Are you interested in releasing rituals and lunar writing?
Join me in the Rowdy Writers Circle I host once a month under the energy of the Full Moon to write, release and create space for gratitude.
Instagram: @shayla_m_rose
Strength Woven with Humility
Hello everyone! Welcome to this space held by Shayla M. Rose, founder of Manifest Magickk Together (MMT). If you are new to the page or cruising by, I would like to thank you for being here.
I have not been able to submit an ENERGY of Tarot blog post for the past two months, but today, I'm grateful to share some meditative insights of The Strength card. Also, I invite you to set aside some time to have a moment of stillness in your mind, body, and spirit. Take a deep breath. The astrological flow is as follows, the Sun is in Aries (Fire), Moon in Cancer (water) when mixed, and creates steam, passion, and this deep desire to nurture.
This past week, I've dived into The Strength card (if you have a tarot deck feel free to pull this card out, or if a deck is not accessible, use Google image to get a sense of the illustration). Take a look at the picture and jot down one word that comes to mind. Keep that word stored for future reference.
After a very intense dream (Yes, I'm a dreamer!! Woohoo!), it left me feeling extremely strong. Not just physically strong but inwardly strong and felt as if my spirit team were advising me to take to look inward. After that dream, I didn't feel depleted but rather humble. So I decided like I routinely have done in the past, to meditate and pull The Strength card from my long-time ally, The Waite-Smith deck.
Strength is present in struggles, in tests that we undergo. We go through the hoops and circuits, and if we choose to listen to stillness and humility, we find Strength waiting at the other end. When we come out of the other end of the hoop, humility washes over us, preparing us to develop a strong character that weaves in grace and gratitude. In the Strength card, the person is consoling the lion. There's this feeling that Strength understands the creature from an objective viewpoint and the lion's needs. Many would say the person is taming the lion, which is a possibility. Taming is taking control; Strength is not all about control over the other but about having a deep inward understanding of the self to interact with others and weaving elements of grace.
As I continue to meditate on the card, the inside of the lion's mouth are obstacles we face, struggles, illusions; I didn't quite understand the connection until one of my teachers mentioned Strength (the person) is a representation of that maturation that balance of being and the lion as the ego. When we consciously take a step back from the ego (which is easier said than done for some), we can then move forward to become strong individuals through the knitting of humility, objectivity, grace, and gratitude. To allow stillness, let our inner lions simmer down and then build a strong character.
I'm sure you're wondering, well, how does this all apply to me/the collective? Take a moment, look around the space you're in, close your eyes for a moment, now start to look inside of yourself and when you are ready, think about moments you were in a position that you had to step out of the ego or for instance, an experience of 'ego death.' How did that experience make you feel?
In a collective sense, go back to all the social issues around us with the criminalization and abuse the AAPI community is experiencing. Are we standing in a position where we embody the Strength card by weaving in to understand the world? To bring awareness to ourselves of the social issues around us and are doing our best to build that Strength to be objective allies with others outside of ourselves to create that balance within our environment.
I invite you to meditate on The Strength card- if you have a deck; if not, Google will be your best friend or a recommended book, 78 Degrees of Wisdom. Place the card on your altar if you have one already and bask in the teachings of The Strength card.
Thank you for reading today's ENERGY of Tarot Blog. With much gratitude, I dedicate these words to you.
Upcoming workshops
ROWDY Writers Circle -April 26, 2021- Full Moon Release + Ritual Virtual circle
Tarot & Gratitude Art -May 11, 2021- New Beginnings, gratitude arts&craft container making, and a group tarot reading
Instagram: shayla_m_rose
Temperance + Introspection
I've walked and held hands with the energy of Temperance. At the beginning of my tarot journey, I received Temperance, and the connection was deep. The exact tarot-ic energy I needed to balance my fast-paced mind and direct communication style I felt connected to the energy because it helps to understand how to slow down actions and reactions. As we come into a challenging situation with a sense of objectivity to the immediate world around us with less judgment of the unknown, discomfort, and opposition.
Inviting moments of introspection and meditative states to become an observer is part of Temperance's energy, the liminal space to pause and reflect. This is where the tarot-ic energy of introspection comes to play. Begin to observe our familial environment and step in as objective beings. Step in as an objective being in another environment different from your own. We can look at our internal, external, astral selves through the looking glass. When we understand our own being because we became the observer, we can understand challenges that exist in environments that are different from ours. A sense of openness is possible- all depends on the choice to allow the energy of Temperance to lead us into harmonious relations with others.
We start to understand others through a less judgemental lens. Judgments limit our chances of connecting more in-depth with all kinds of colorful beings.
Another perspective gained while walking with The Temperance card is the void. Could we explore the energy of Temperance through the void? Maybe that liminal space is the void. Collectively there is a void whether we shake hands with it or choose to escape from it. Voids require Temperance and introspection to come face-to-face with it. To approach that void as an objective observer. Once our voids are approached, we could heal internally and externally. All depends on the choices and changes we are willing to take on to the evolution of the 'self' and collective consciousness.
*Written under the sun in Pisces and Moon in Taurus
The song that inspired the Mid-Month Energy of Tarot is "The Void" by Kid Cudi
Intuitively created by Shayla M. Rose
IG: shayla_m_rose
I HOLD Power Worksheet
Oracle Guidance: "Allow Stillness to Heal and Reveal"
Channeled message: "Stand in your truth and power."
The 'I Hold Power' worksheet was manifested during a challenging time in my life that made me feel powerless (like going in retrograde). One day during my daily meditating at sundown, I began to do a body scan. As I did the body scan, I started to recite out loud, "I Hold Power' starting from my head to the toes. I allowed all of my emotions to go through the ebbs and flow. In that process, I reconnect to the power I held inside my body, especially in my chest and stomach.
In discovering power, I began to write this worksheet for the collective as an avenue of healing. As I am healing myself, I heal others. We all hold so much power in our bodies without realizing it. I invite you to print and work with the worksheet to find and manifest the power you hold within yourself. The power YOU have can never be taken away from you.
A suggestion on how to find your power!
Set a time where you can dive into the worksheet
Set your space however you want. Go as simple or extravagant as you desire
When you are ready, make yourself comfortable sitting in a seated or lying position
Close your eyes
Start doing a body scan. You could start with any body part you desire
As you are doing your body scan, breathe
Breathe. Recite either within yourself or out loud 'I Hold POWER' be as loud or use your inner voice
Try to scan the body from head to toes and/or from toes-head
Stay here as long as you desire. When you feel ready, bring awareness to the place you're in
Dive into the 'I Hold Power' worksheet when you are ready or comfortable doing so
Try your best to list at least 1-7 powers and reasons you hold in each chakra/body part. Feel all that power, describe it and go through it. This is where your magickk happens
Remember to breathe through the body scan and when completing the worksheet
Happy manifesting the POWER you hold
***If you run into challenges while completing the worksheet, just pause and come back when you're feeling guided to do so
***If any questions come up, please feel free to contact me directly at or by visiting
I Hold Power in my crown/head/mind
I Hold Power in my Third Eye/In-between Eyebrows
I Hold Power in my Throat/Voice
I Hold Power in my Heart/Chest/Nipples/Breast
I Hold Power in my Solar Plexus/Core/Gut/Stomach
I Hold Power in my Pelvis/Pelvic space/womb/uterus/organs/space
I Hold Power in my Feet/Ground/Roots/ Soles/ Earth
Intuitively created by Shayla M. Rose
Manifesting Magickk Together
Look outside of Financial Gain & Interconnect with Earth
Stepping into a new earth plane with strength and gratitude. Collectively we are stepping into a new position on this Earth through effort that could feel scary because of old forms of routine. But take that leap in the vision of what you want to plant on this Earth. How do you envision the Earth you're standing on in 5 or 10 years? Collectively how do you envision this Earth? On an individual level, start to imagine what you desire. At times, we may not feel ready, but trust in what you are currently planting. However, it looks like to you. On a group level, we can start to make the changes by reevaluating ideologies surrounding productivity to make money rather than to plant goodness for Earth. It is essential to reframe how to live out our earthly purpose with grace rather than living as another cog in the wheel.
With the energy of the Warrior of Pentacles, we are coming to terms with planting for the future not only to make money but to contribute to this home we call Earth. Earth is our home and everything we plant flourishes in this plane. In relation to the Protea plant energy, using the sea change to go with the currents of our ocean. With the flow of nature to repair and sustain a beautiful future.
While writing this blog post, the bison's energy stuck out to me. The bison is a reminder to honor the ground we are on with gratitude. The bison's heavy composition keeps it grounded, creating space for gratitude and wisdom.
You are not a cog in the wheel. You are beautifully interconnected on this Earth. You are not the previous routines, but rather a refined version. You are not the conservative ideas of past generations; you are YOU, an individual on this Earth. We are a conscious collective. The Protea plant's spirit suggests allowing openness for new forms of working with mother earth.
May the graceful warrior's energy help transform mother earth through our collective efforts and working in equilibrium for a sea of change.
The energy: Warrior of Pentacle
Oracle: Protea plant- Sea Change
Inspired by the bison's spirit
Collective Love
Mid-Month ENERGY of Tarot: Three of Water, Pandemic, Community.
Today's focus is collective consciousness. Some of us may or may not know that we are moving into the Aquarian Age, which focuses on society at large, group dynamics, and community. This age is breaking down the structures in which Capricorn built and reframing life differently.
Collective consciousness is an energy that we will feel in the upcoming years. However, balance is needed during this age; as groups form, new ideologies come into play. As groups join, there could be a lack of understanding and misinformation of what is right or wrong and the birth chaos. This is when love will frame balance.
For balance to coexist is to remember love. The energy that is here to support the collective through the framing of love is the Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups is a clue on how to start looking within. Start to feel with love the "I" the "Me" to work harmoniously in the new dynamics of groups and work better with others (e.g., others with different ideologies, ways of living, or culture). The supportive energy of II of Cups guides the collective to step out of the "I"/"Me" in the Ace of Cups to find inner love and show love to the people you interact with. Start to share the love in the groups you are part of. Share that love in your relationships with others, whether romantic, friendships, community, or business. Stepping into our loving essence is our key in the Aquarian age.
With the energy of the Ace of Swords (reversed) collectively, there is a shift in how society will think as a whole. The energy will provide a plethora of new information, both reputable and deceptive. Discernment will be needed in the information we receive during this age. The type of information we take in and how to use that information and manifest them in groups or even in new social movements will need to remember the framing of love as the key to balance.
Collectively we have the opportunity to choose with a discerning mind with the energy of VII of Cups. There will be options to accept the information we understand and frame it with love. Let us remember to connect our true essence with love. Especially as collectively, we are feeling, seeing, and partaking in society from a new angle as it shifts into a new age.
*I would like to bring awareness to all underserved communities, individuals, and families. As unemployment rates increase, many are without a home or don't have access to basic necessities. May communities across the world be seen and heard.
Sending collective energy!
Three of Water
Mid-Month ENERGY of Tarot: Three of Water, Pandemic, Community.
Three of Water (III of Cups)'s energy relates to community building, play, and complexities involving the community.
Collectively, we are approaching holidays, a time for family reunions and joy. The flip side of this energy is that the community may not feel the same this year. Cases of Covid are spiking, families grieving the death of loved ones, homelessness, immigrant families, still separate because of ICE, and individuals alone or unable to travel to visit family. A sense of community is changing in how we will experience connection this year and the next.
However, collectively we can start to understand this energy by stepping outside of ourselves to understand this energy. However, that is not to say joy cannot be felt and shared. Instead, the global pandemic is shifting how we appreciate and relate to the community. We can share this energy with others, with ourselves, and expand in many ways to be better humans! To be vulnerable and treat each other with more compassion and a deep understanding of the collective. Then we can start to reconnect with our essence!
May all communities be safe and never overlooked.